GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
^ lol
@emb, oh. well. screw you then ;D
jk bahaha. but yeh empirism's hair is the shit it's pretty long hehe.
GRX40 |
Joined: 20 Mar 2008 United States  Licks: 1 Karma: 2
EMB5490 says: lol u have to waer a seat belt, lol
What's wrong with that? :-/
I wear a seat belt so my head doesn't go flying through the windshield if I get in a crash. Plus it's illegal not to where I live. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
LOL This is my friend Jared, aka Jarhead666 on this site. He's a tool xD |
EMB5490 |
Joined: 10 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 1 Licks: 1 Karma: 31
lol, he looks 12.
ye its law round here too, but a new sherriff is in town...and i dont this its big enough for the two of dem. i think one has to go. lol |
league |
Joined: way back United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 10
LOL me too I dont like the idea of flying out of the car in a collision. Although some people have died because of seat belts. |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada  Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
lol i disagree with league... i think flying thru a windsheild, having my blood fly all over (and possibly splattering on bystanders), & having neck my go backwards, would be tons of fun! =p |
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
err.. Maybe you should talk with someone Bodom :P. Did you watched Death Proof recently? |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada  Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
no.. but i had coke (cola =p) so im hyper =D |
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
btw, brother of my father once was in car crash. It was old toyota and he didnt wore seatbelt. He hit his head to wheel and bonnet crashed over his head. If he would been in seatbelt, well he been headless. So what we learn from that? Anything is not Black and white... |
Nutter166 |
Joined: 22 Feb 2008 Wales  Licks: 2 Karma: 14
Do you know its actually safer to be hit in a car, not wearing your seat belt in the front seats. Cause you ger lifted up, so your feet get pulled out and the engine dosen't cut them off, and if you got airbags, you won't go flying just smash your face somewhat on the dash. |
Phip |
Joined: 23 Dec 2007 United States  Lessons: 1 Karma: 45 Moderator
I think wearing a seat belt is probably a good idea, however I DO NOT like the government telling me what to do. I was under the assumption that i am a free man living in a country of free men. Lately I'm not so sure. Seems like the more other countries move toward freedom we in the USA are moving away from it (always in the name of money). Dont' get me started!
Who's fault is this, Nutter? Did you start this? Harhar
Phip |
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
So what we can do Phip? yes, we both know.. TO THE BARRICADES :D |
Phip |
Joined: 23 Dec 2007 United States  Lessons: 1 Karma: 45 Moderator
Yeah i agree. (you first)! Lol |
foogered |
Joined: 30 Apr 2008 United States  Lessons: 2 Licks: 11 Karma: 9

Even when I'm (Choose One) -> [Half-Asleep/Drunk/High/Having An Out Of Body Experience] the ladies are all up on me.

This is me and my former band mates (Vocals in the middle, Bass on the right).

Me with long hair in the middle, as part of a joke band called "Team Mustache" that we put together for a school event. I think maybe one of us had a mustache.

Me and my ladyfriend just before Prom.
Phip |
Joined: 23 Dec 2007 United States  Lessons: 1 Karma: 45 Moderator
Finally someone who's picture doesn't scare the crap out of me! (talking bout your girlfriend).
so what happened to the band? |
foogered |
Joined: 30 Apr 2008 United States  Lessons: 2 Licks: 11 Karma: 9
Well I started pulling towards Jazz and Funk, and the Vocalist was more of an any-genre-of-rock kind of guy (Anything from The Beatles to Disturbed). The bass player was pretty much open to anything, and we also have had two other guitarists at different times (one a diehard classic rock fan, the other a diehard blues fan). We had trouble getting together and had trouble completing songs because our own styles just really clashed. Also, a lot of people comment that I play guitar like a "lead-rhythm" guitarist, so it's hard to find room in my songs for other guitarists. I finally just quietly pulled out of the band and our old guitarist (the classic rock guy) took the bassist and the drummer (not really worth mentioning) and started a 3-piece thing with a Led Zeppelin/Deep Purple kind of direction. I expect it'll be really cool and I'm looking forward to hearing them.
I'm rooming with my best friend next year, who plays all manner of saxophone, and so we're probably going to put together a 4-piece Funk group (Sax, Guitar, Bass, Drums).
P.S. I don't do drugs, I just look kind of high in that first photo. I had woken up pretty recently :P |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
Thing is, you're more likely to die from NOT wearing your seatbelt in a crash. |
foogered |
Joined: 30 Apr 2008 United States  Lessons: 2 Licks: 11 Karma: 9
Well duh, that's like saying you're more likely to die from pointing a gun at yourself and firing then pointing it away. |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
Ok, but people were talking like "Well, I know someone who was in a crash without wearing a seat belt, and they were fine!". |
foogered |
Joined: 30 Apr 2008 United States  Lessons: 2 Licks: 11 Karma: 9
Ah, I see. Well, what can you do? Some people seem to think they are the exception to the rule. |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
When in actuality, they are the statistic.
Actually, that would make a cool lyric.
"Yer think yer the exception to the rule, though yer the statistic making fool". |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada  Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
lol i just like the idea of getting my brains on other peoples faces =D |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
Then go to the front row at a concert, and stick a .48 in your mouth and say "AHH!". |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada  Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
nah, i wouldnt get mangled enuff =p |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
Step in front of an angry postman with a shotgun. He'll mangle you pretty good. |
ThePusher |
Joined: 19 Jan 2008 Canada  Lessons: 3 Karma: 3
angry postmen don't exist anymore |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
Yup. Postmen don't kill people......Husbands that come home early do... |
EMB5490 |
Joined: 10 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 1 Licks: 1 Karma: 31
lol, bbt put a grenade in ur hat. |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada  Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
i think ill go with the windshield... or jump thru a window of a 10 story building
EDIT: oooh emb thats nice... cept i dont have a hat.. maybe my trousers =D
btw: im not a suicidal maniac |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
You're gonna pull a 9/11? |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada  Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
more like a 502 =p
okay, with all of this im totally joking.. i couldnt possibly kill myself, life is so amazing |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
I couldn't kill myself because I'd rather not go out like that. I wanna die in a plane crash on my way to my bands sold out concert at MSG. |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada  Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
and leave all ur fans waiting, then recieve the news that u died? id rather die after[ |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
Ok, maybe after the gig. It'd also be nice if my body was discovered with my Gibson 200 (look it up) in my hands. |
EMB5490 |
Joined: 10 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 1 Licks: 1 Karma: 31
lol, then ull prob have another gig after tht, i ssure u msg is huge i got ther a lot, thousands will be disapointed, look at lynyrd skynyrd, ronnie van zant once said he wont live past 30, he said it twice, he died in the place crash before 30. |
foogered |
Joined: 30 Apr 2008 United States  Lessons: 2 Licks: 11 Karma: 9
I bet he refused to play Freebird for someone right before he got on the plain, and god smote him from the sky. |
TheAmericanBrit |
Joined: 03 Sep 2008 United States Karma: 1
JazzMaverick |
Joined: 28 Aug 2008 United Kingdom  Lessons: 24 Licks: 37 Karma: 47 Moderator
Text for registered users only |
jcb3000 |
Joined: 09 Jul 2008 United Kingdom Karma: 4

me doing what i do best (im the one with the hat looking up)

and theres one of me playing my dads old tokai strat which has be one of the most comfortable guitars i have ever played |
JazzMaverick |
Joined: 28 Aug 2008 United Kingdom  Lessons: 24 Licks: 37 Karma: 47 Moderator
Is that a gold record in the background? Awesome hobby by the way. |