nicolee |
United States  Posts: 17
Ok- I want to introduce myself-
And I hope you'll all do the same... Sooo...
Name- Nicole(eh, Nikki, but I don't know any of you personally so I'd prefer Nicole)
Age- Younger than most of you...
Family- 2 sisters, 1 brother.
Pets- 1 fish, 4 cats, 1 Akita pup named Chance.
Music- Sum 41, Yellowcard, Sugarland, other country...
I'm a girl, so please realize that I don't/may not like the same hard rock music you guys may like ): So please don't ridicule the music I listen too ): And how confuzzled I can be when it comes to playing XD
nicolee |
United States  Posts: 17
Oh, and it's cool if you don't want to share your info (: |
Guitarslinger124 |
Joined: 25 Jul 2007 United States  Lessons: 12 Licks: 42 Karma: 38 Moderator
hehe...nicolee, thats what the profiles are for hehe...but ill go along with it
yall can continue to call me guitarslinger, although a more popular is R-shred (shred) or lanny...been playin guitar for quite sometime now, i play bass and piano/keyboard as well...i love metal \m/^_^\m/ but i also love good jazz/fusion (such as yellowjackets or jaco pastorius), i love soul, funk and blues as well (such as, pieces of a dream, fourplay, tower of power and stevie wonder)....i pretty much like anything but pop (although kelly clarkson kicks ass !!!! XD) and im not a huge fan of rap, r&b or hip hop. i hail from the USA. and a good day involves cold miller lite and my guitar.
if you're interested in hearing my music, i do have a few websites to check out: (very experimental) (jist your typical instrumental metal shit)
or add me on myspace:
rock on.... |
nicolee |
United States  Posts: 17
lol yeaa I know. But it would get kinda annoying if you had to go around and click on everybodys profile. And it isnt guranteed that somebody else has seen yours, so, I just thought this might help. |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
I'm Dorian Cooke, people just call me Doz, used to call me Dozza but I'm not into that any more. I've played guitar for about 5 years and music is pretty much everything. I'm 17, 18 next month. No pets, but an ugly older brother. I'm from England, but I'm not posh. I'm from one of the grey places with loads of fucking cunts.
I don't promote prejudice (be it racism, sexism whatever). I play arrogant elitist but it's just an act and so me and my mates can joke around at ourselves.
I'm in a gigging band in my area (although admitedly we haven't gigged in half a year due to drummer and guitarist complications) who have played a couple of headline shows (one at the Sugarmill, the main rock club in my city). We might not appeal to many people on a guitar forum because it is punk rock (a bit poppy sometimes, and with melodic hardcore punk influences). I *can* play other things than punk... but music with a message just appeals to me - and what better way than to play fast catchy easy to get into songs?
Going college dcing a music course, and when I'm out of college I just sit around and play my guitar, or listen to as much music (new and old) as I can.
Growing up I was into classic rock/blues rock, modern rock, punk and alternative rock since that was what my dad always had on in the house (along with the odd bit of mod, country, folk, blues, grunge and some other stuff). I got into metal a good few years ago first with Pantera and Metallica. Before the end of school I broadened my taste by listening to what some people would consider emo, quite a bit of indie and pop punk. After I left school I got intro post-hardcore (eg. The Blackout, Scary Kids Scaring Kids)and then hardcore (from listening to 80s hardcore punk bands like Black Flag, Gorillia Biscuits, Minor Threat etc). I followed them bands to 90s hardcore and modern hardcore at the same time as discovering more melodic american punk bands. Within the past year I started listening to a little bit of death metal, grindcore, metalcore, pop, funk, the odd hip hop artist (I actually went through a hip hop phase in the last year of school but I overdid it and stopped listening for a long time), and just a load of good music.
I like to test myself by quitting things like food, but I always do it with the idea that if I can do it it'll make me healthier anyway) I don't drink, smoke or do any drugs. I don't eat chocolate, crisps, fizzy drinks, sweets, most cakes.
I don't eat meat but I haven't done since I was ten.
Oooooooooh, and I've been struck by lightning. :D
That was looong.
nicolee |
United States  Posts: 17
yeaa that was.... haha.... |
JustJeff |
Joined: way back United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 21
I'm more of a lurker than most of the others that post here, but I guess that makes me as much of a member as anyone else!
My name is Jeff Casarona (and I really don't care to share my whole name... cause I have many profiles on YouTube and SoundClick with my full name, so whatever), but I usually go by just Jeff (ironic for the name, eh?)
I've been playing for guitar for a little more than a year now (strictly acoustic) and have been studying music theory at Virginia Tech along with my Computer Engineering Degree. Guitar has been my life since I got to school.
My favorite music consists of such musicians as Tommy Emmanuel, Antoine Dufour, Andy McKee, Michael Hedges, Chet Atkins, Michael Chapdelaine, Petteri Sariola, and Jake Shimabukuro.
My goals with music is to understand, create, and record my original compositions to hopefully put a smile on their face, or a chill down their spine.
If you just search my name in youtube or google, you should find some of my recordings from various times in my playing career :)
Hopefully within the next 2 years, I will release a CD with 4-6 original songs that I can pass around: that would make me extremely happy. |
tAUG |
Sweden  Posts: 137
Hello =) I'm Christian Isenberg but I'm often called tAUG, soon 18 years old and I've been playing the electric guitar for quite a while now.
Currently I'm playing with a few different bands; Funky Afro Hair Dudes which mostly play funk-based-jazz music. Nautilus which playes music like Blues Brothers, Blood Sweat And Tears etc.
I'm also playing in musicals where the music proceed -non stop- during the regular two hour long performances (which is extremely fun!). Also I'm quite active in local socials and such, playing as much as possible to develope within my playing and rutines etc.
I'm listening to a lot great guitarists, such as Vai, Satriani, Zappa, Paul Gilbert, Andy Timmons etc. etc. But also I listen to qiute a bit funk/jazz/blues and so on. |
mattmurray |
Joined: 18 Sep 2007 United States Karma: 5
Hi I'm Matt Murray. I have been playing guitar for 3 years as of this christmas. I'm a 20 year old college art student.
I have always been considered to be a very talented visual artist, but school took the fun out of art for me, and made it an obligation. So I turned my artistic efforts to music.
I listen almost exclusively to heavy metal, bands like Pantera, Metallica, Kreator, Slayer etc... But my taste's are not that limited. I love all music with instrumentals that impress me. Classical music, classical guitar, acoustic instrumental music... I also love expressive music, whether it's the dynamic lead playing of Darrell Lance Abbot or the honest vocals of Kurt Cobain.
The music I make doesn't sound much like the music I listen too, it's just what comes out I guess. I don't try to make it any particular thing.
I wish I were in a band but in my community everyone who is good enough to be in a band IS in a band and has been for the better part of a decade. So I just practice all day in my dorm.
I have a Schecter C-1 Hellraiser and love it to death.
Here you can see some of my art, and hear a little bit of my music. One acoustic experiment and one experiment with improvised soloing. |
Notim |
Joined: 08 Dec 2007 United States Karma: 9
Well since im the newest member on this page my Name is Notim Ive played more years than i can remember,and i still can make people listen my old band name is Crazy and that is easy to figure out cause i pretty much am(dont hide from shit),but i am honored to meet you all,and for some reason i think doz(with out hearing a note)can do some playing it a hunch. Later! |
soy.el.che |
Joined: way back Mexico  Lessons: 1 Karma: 9
Guitarslinger124 was right, but ill join...
Alfredo... people call me alf, luja and a lot other names
like a week left for my 15 birthday
like most music rock blues punk grunge... i dont specifically enjoy emo my pic is very old lol
i live in mexico.. im bassist in my band, though the best guitarrist in it
i love travelling.... i do some amazing tricks with coins... i hypnotize believe it or not
i like pathetic sounding music like lemon tree-fools garden
ive had 2 bad bands.. handicap n al chile
been playin 4 2 years
peace |
blackwolfrising |
United States  Posts: 34
My name is Jeremy. I have been playing for about 20 some years. I have a few guitars but my fav is my Ibanze destoyer II and RG 550. I play bass, keyboards and drums too. I am not in a band at them moment. Like mattmurray said anybody any good is in a band so it is hard to find people to jam with anymore. I have kids and they also play guitar and/or drums.
I live in IN. I love music just about every kind. Heavy metal is my fav but I do love classical and blues. Really anything with a guitar.
later |
league |
Joined: way back United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 10
Hallo Mein Namen ist Mikael im Deustch und ich bin achtzen jahre alt.Im 18 and ive been playing since I was about 14 but learned theory when I was 16.At first I sucked at solos but now I believe I can take on at least Tom Morrello lol.I own a strat, classical guitar, and my favorite Jackson.Ive been posting for at least a year and a half but found out about the site way before that.I like thrash metal and Iike playin fast.Currently im lookin for a band.Thrash metal bands arent too common nowadays.I recently changed my avatar but that was me in the piture. |
league |
Joined: way back United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 10
Nicolee, seems like your the second girl to post.I dont mean to upset anyone but it seems kinda funny that a girl brought this subject up of introducing ourselves.I dont think a guy would ever have stated it that way.There was a previous subject about "where are you from," but this fits better. |
hippie_cune |
hippie cune here...
i was here givin theory advice about a year+ ago...
im back
3 cheers! |
bodom |
Joined: way back Canada  Lessons: 4 Karma: 5
Name:Brian C.
Home:Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada
Years playing:4,5 or 6 not like it matters
Music Intrest: Metal e.g. Inflames, COB, All that remains, Lamb of God,etc. Basicly anything that invokes feelings in me.
Other intrest: Cars,science,reading...oh and drinking
Fav saying: TO EACH HIS OWN!
LordSinistR |
United States  Posts: 2
I go by Sin or Lord SinistR.
Age: 34
Home: Annapolis MD
Years Playing: On and Off for 13 years on guitar 12 years on trumpet and a few years on piano/keyboards.
My Music interests include Joe Satriani, God Smack, NIN, GNR, anything Hard and Dark to Heavy Funk, to anything Bluesy Dirty Blues.
I just like Jamming and I've played in a few practice bands and in jam fests. I've been lucky to jam with a few known Georgia bands when I first started playing when I was in Atlanta.
I wouldn't mind starting another band and start gigging.
Oh and I'm new here :) been picking the guitar back up and jamming again! I forgot about how much stress ripping and jamming on a guitar can do! |
Jam |
United Kingdom  Posts: 2
Hey there ;) kinda new arownd here, just thought id pop in and leave some of my scrawling mess here.
Im jon, iv been self learning with the aid of the internet to play my guitar for a few year now. Still dont know meny songs really, but love messing with scails and my effects peddal over the top of track's i happen to be listneing to. ;)
I love 12 bar stuff, blue's of any sort is always good to be listening to altho i have other musical intrests, metal for instence is alright when you dont have some fruitcake shouting at you about murdering there next door naibor's pet.
Pink floyd, The Doors, Metallica, Guns & roses, Srv.. Anything with effort, skill and Soul is good. ( gotta be guitary somewhere or else... or else... i'll convert it to guitar... some how... mibby, if i could... mibby not. never mind... :S )
Fav song of the moment Rude Mood: Stevie Ray Vaughan!
Nout else to be saying really, Although cheers for reading. Oh just a thought... who ever put up the crossroads duel post in the licks section, wheres the rest? I remmber a whole crapload of stuff in there, you only got the end bit in there. Altho whats there is intresting and my thanks for that.
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
My name is Kodi and I am 13, allergic to pets : / and I like to listen to grunge, blues, metal, punk, some jazz, classic rock, and screamo stuff. |
chiky |
Posts: 5
hi, i'm chiky, just chiky. i have been playing guitar over a year, i like bands like guns n roses, metallica, nirvana, and all clasics songs that play on the radio. (anyways i listen a little bit of everything, except that shit called reggaeton)
I speak in english and naturally espaņol.
and finally, after a year learning guitar, i better get a bass. |
league |
Joined: way back United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 10
Lol. I think we should all gather and destroy regaetton with our halfstacks(I cant afford one).Welcome chiky.This is the best site for real guitar players.Theres no BS in here and yes, Se Habla Espanol and maybe even other tongues. |
soy.el.che |
Joined: way back Mexico  Lessons: 1 Karma: 9
hey im mexican y tmb hablo espaņol a friends band made a song named "que se chingue su madre el reggaeton"
i also play bass |
pancakeman |
United States  Posts: 2
um... hi? anyway, as you may have guessed, i'm new.
i only just found this site today, *awesome*, anyway, i just thought i'd introduce myself. you can call me wes, wesley, blake, spud, pancakeman, or whatever else you can think of. i've been playing for a little more than 3 years, if i'm not mistaken it was around thanksgiving time when i started. anyhow, i came here to register after i made a really long statement about this site. (here's the link if you want to read it
well, maybe not a link, but a url nonetheless.
lol, there's only about 9 or 10 commoly active users at project-dz, we don't get a lot of traffic. but it's a nice little community. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Doz says: I'm Dorian Cooke, people just call me Doz, used to call me Dozza but I'm not into that any more. I've played guitar for about 5 years and music is pretty much everything. I'm 17, 18 next month. No pets, but an ugly older brother. I'm from England, but I'm not posh. I'm from one of the grey places with loads of fucking cunts.
I don't promote prejudice (be it racism, sexism whatever). I play arrogant elitist but it's just an act and so me and my mates can joke around at ourselves.
I'm in a gigging band in my area (although admitedly we haven't gigged in half a year due to drummer and guitarist complications) who have played a couple of headline shows (one at the Sugarmill, the main rock club in my city). We might not appeal to many people on a guitar forum because it is punk rock (a bit poppy sometimes, and with melodic hardcore punk influences). I *can* play other things than punk... but music with a message just appeals to me - and what better way than to play fast catchy easy to get into songs?
Going college dcing a music course, and when I'm out of college I just sit around and play my guitar, or listen to as much music (new and old) as I can.
Growing up I was into classic rock/blues rock, modern rock, punk and alternative rock since that was what my dad always had on in the house (along with the odd bit of mod, country, folk, blues, grunge and some other stuff). I got into metal a good few years ago first with Pantera and Metallica. Before the end of school I broadened my taste by listening to what some people would consider emo, quite a bit of indie and pop punk. After I left school I got intro post-hardcore (eg. The Blackout, Scary Kids Scaring Kids)and then hardcore (from listening to 80s hardcore punk bands like Black Flag, Gorillia Biscuits, Minor Threat etc). I followed them bands to 90s hardcore and modern hardcore at the same time as discovering more melodic american punk bands. Within the past year I started listening to a little bit of death metal, grindcore, metalcore, pop, funk, the odd hip hop artist (I actually went through a hip hop phase in the last year of school but I overdid it and stopped listening for a long time), and just a load of good music.
I like to test myself by quitting things like food, but I always do it with the idea that if I can do it it'll make me healthier anyway) I don't drink, smoke or do any drugs. I don't eat chocolate, crisps, fizzy drinks, sweets, most cakes.
I don't eat meat but I haven't done since I was ten.
Oooooooooh, and I've been struck by lightning. :D
That was looong.
Life story :O Aha..
I like punk too, im into anything wit guitar really , except country, folk, etc.
I'd probably listen to your music if you gave me a sample because not everyone on this forum likes metal and all that.
I hate rap though. gross.
C + Rap = Crap |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
Check out the bands promotion sub forum... and check out Cynical Protest.
:D |
chcrush27 |
United States  Posts: 51
I like Baseball and Guitar and bass Guitar and That's about it. |
telutabiz |
Posts: 2
hi everyone,
can anyone help TAB this shit? :P
i thought the acoustic guitar is e'nuf for the song,so the voice been the link for the song
thanks all for your time. |
chcrush27 |
United States  Posts: 51
Hey as long as you get good at guitar right |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Yep xD
I am working on lyrics writing now too
And trying to mend them with guitar songs |
chcrush27 |
United States  Posts: 51
Ya You know if you write about your inspiration and use good metaphors rhyming then it should work, look at ballads and lyric poetry and see how they work helps me when trying to make lyrics. It doesn't even have to be a strong subject for instance Earthshine by Rush They wrote about how the Earth Reflects light off the moon. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
And the moon reflects the light of the sun. Odd
I'll have to listen to a lot of music and bands in my iTunes and see if I can get inspired. My chorus's beat/rhythm is inspired by Anti-Flag's "The Press Corpse" so, it's a start. |
chcrush27 |
United States  Posts: 51
Also in dog years they talk about how dog's live 7 years to our one. So basically theu don't have to be complicated. |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
GuitarBoy you have some taste! Anti-Flag aswell. You like Millencolin or Bad Religion? |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
If I was a dog I'd be dead... I'm too young to die :/
Damn right I do - just 'case I am a metalhead doesn't mean I have to like ONLY metal. I love punk, even though half the time punk artists can't sing for shit, I guess that's what gives it its....flare...
Never listened to Millencolin, but Bad Religion is def. in my top 10 they are awesome |
chcrush27 |
United States  Posts: 51
I love Bad Religion too i like to listen to all music as long as all the components mix well. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Yeah same but I HATE rap, new stuff anyways. The old stuff is actually kinda okay cause it has a melody and rhythm.. unlike "gangsta" BS.
For me it has to be catchy or just flow and then I will probably give it a listen |
chcrush27 |
United States  Posts: 51
Beastie Boys is the only rap I will listen to |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
Oooh, I think a lot of modern punk bands like we've been talking about have good vocalists, especially Bad Religion. Check Millencolin out though, I think you'll like them. Try find a song called No Cigar from the album Pennybridge Pioneers. |
chcrush27 |
United States  Posts: 51
I listened to it I liked It pretty cool. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Bad Religion is like my favorite damn punk band of all time.
Beastie Boys are not bad, I really mainly only like Sabotage.
I can't stand Taking Back Sunday's vocalist... he can't sing for sh*t.
Tom DeLonge's voice improved a lot over the years, just listen to OLD Blink-182 and then listen to something from Angels & Airwaves (Everything's Magic, for example)
I am listening to No Cigar now, frig Millencolin is a wicked punk band, almost reminds me of a band I've heard before... |