LedZeppRox13 |
Joined: 22 Apr 2010 Karma: 11
any advice for a songwriter who has no confidence in singing her own songs?? |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada ![](./img/flags/canada.gif) Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
KicknGuitar |
Joined: 13 Dec 2007 Lessons: 6 Karma: 1
Sounds like my group's (about-to-be) singer. She's got an amazing voice but just lacks confidence in writing her own material (even though she can handle that too!)
Sing your butt off! Try discussing your work with friends who write poetry/lyrics, unless you become easily intimidated by others (like me) you'll have to remember to take that slow, and let yourself build confidence. |
Schecter_player |
Joined: 12 Jul 2009 Canada Karma: 3
I'm with BBT.
As a side note, that probably the funniest thing I've ever seen on this forum. Hahahahaha. |
LedZeppRox13 |
Joined: 22 Apr 2010 Karma: 11
thanks. only problem is i dont know many who write originals as well so ive just been discussing stuff with music teachers, thanks again for the help even tho it was a simple 3 words, haha. im just gonna practice practice practice. haha |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada ![](./img/flags/canada.gif) Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
yeah, play your songs for other people too when you can, even if its just friends and family. the more you do the easier it gets |
adelaideguitar |
Joined: 14 Apr 2010 Australia Karma: 3
Record Reflex Research Repeat |
Domigan_Lefty |
Joined: 20 Sep 2009 United States Karma: 8
Im with BBT,
It took me forever to "just do it" but ive become the lead singer and Guitarist in my band, and im able to write 3-4 completely original songs weekly, and i wish we could get some gigs set up
Damn, whyd prom have to be tonight, i couldnt get us as the band.... its too late! |
guitarbadass |
Joined: 04 Oct 2009 United States Karma: 1
just write and sing whatcha feel thats where good music come from,,inside |
Mici |
Joined: way back Kosovo Karma: 9
@BBT: That must be the funniest respond I've ever seen on the forum. LOL! And it's the proper answer to give, too: JUST DO IT, Syd(if that's your name)! ;) |
soy.el.che |
Joined: way back Mexico ![](./img/flags/mexico.gif) Lessons: 1 Karma: 9
lie to yourself and say youre over confident and start acting that way. youll eventually BE overconfident.
thats what i do. |
LedZeppRox13 |
Joined: 22 Apr 2010 Karma: 11
Thanks. :D im gonna go buy a microphone and add vocals to some of my originals... everytime i show someone a new song they ask: does it have vocals? and i always say no, thats about to change... :D |
Mici |
Joined: way back Kosovo Karma: 9
That's the spirit. :D
Do so! It will seem to be too hard sometimes so you'll just want to quit but you must go on. It's all up to you. |
Mistaluke |
Joined: 23 Mar 2010 Karma: 11
I would Practice
And listen to poetry
But im not much a singer really.
But I hear poetry will do wonders for your song writing. |
lewsongs |
Are singing out of your range? Sell each word until you yourself buys it. |
LedZeppRox13 |
Joined: 22 Apr 2010 Karma: 11
i dont think im singing out of my range but im working on it and i think im doing pretty well. by the way ur advice really helps even tho its a couple sentences. |
carlsnow |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 United States ![](./img/flags/united_states.gif) Lessons: 2 Karma: 23
This is IT
Wrire - OWN
Sing as if you were singing to the part of you that the song came form
forget you are singing ... forget you are playing
transfer/transmit the feeling
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Carl Snow is an old, jaded & slightly bitter old man who cannot be held accountable for anything, much less his opinionatedly opinionated opinions or those of his imaginary friends. We sincerely apologize if this Carl Snow and/or its behavior have infected you or others with its ugly brain and its juices.
future_god_of_the_axe |
Joined: 29 Nov 2008 United States ![](./img/flags/united_states.gif) Lessons: 2 Karma: 4
when i first started writing songs, i didn't want to sing either. then i thought to myself, "nobody but me knows the true meaning and thought behind these lyrics, only i can give justice to these songs". thats where my confidence comes from. and plus, its Rock and Roll! its all about having fun! even if you can't sing, just have fun! it's better than not singing at all, theres no fun in that! |
JazzMaverick |
Joined: 28 Aug 2008 United Kingdom ![](./img/flags/united_kingdom.gif) Lessons: 24 Licks: 37 Karma: 47 Moderator
The best thing to do, is just sing randomly around your house... it's probably the best way to get you away from that shy attitude. Because having no confidence when singing is the main thing preventing you from doing your best.
I had no confidence and my way of overcoming it may sound stupid but it helped ME get over it... I used to sing things that I would usually just say... e.g. "Can you pass the saaaalt?" then later on I started adding songs into the mix... I remember adding "Hit The Road Jack" into a few things sometimes.
Basically, just sing, then sing some more, then sing again. If you keep doing it - then you're bound to get over the confidence issue.
Also - RECORD YOURSELF SINGING - because then you can hear what the problem is and try and work from there. I've written a lesson on singing tips, hopefully that can help you out too. :) |
lewsongs |
LedZeppRox13, does she experience a form of stage fright? Or does she think she should just be better at singing her own songs? How does she feel about singing cover songs? What is her real talent level?
Would like to know because everyone knows someone who needs a shot of confidence or training. interesting subject. |
LedZeppRox13 |
Joined: 22 Apr 2010 Karma: 11
thanks for the advice guys. umm i dont think its so much stage fright, i sang a solo in a musical in 5th grade and i heard i did really well so ive done this before im just not sure why i feel so unconfident now... i really think i should be better at my own songs, i did record myself on one of my songs and just like everybody i hate hearing myself sing, and i lost my voice within 5 minutes. so maybe learn to get my voice to be stronger? my voice is really quiet when i sing and i guess i need to learn to project my voice cause i would like to sing over a guitar at some point.. haha |
lewsongs |
Thanks for the honest information. To learn to project your voice, here are some basics to experiment with: sing standing, feel like your singing from you stomack, find different rooms and places to practice and sing to the room - fill the area with your voice, for a stronger voice stop singing soft (but not screem). Find total privacy and work, work, work over a period of time. Start out with short sets and increase practice time little by little. Lastly, seek pro vocal training for life long singing enjoyment with quality of tone. |
coleman |
Joined: 10 May 2009 United States Karma: 8
i think singing is all about passion just don't care about the people around you and let the song flow through you close your eyes if you have to. also its best to be very confidant in the lyrics. |
JazzMaverick |
Joined: 28 Aug 2008 United Kingdom ![](./img/flags/united_kingdom.gif) Lessons: 24 Licks: 37 Karma: 47 Moderator
Ok, first thing's first; You're not in 5th grade anymore... and there's quite a few years between that and now... Which means a lot of time where you probably haven't practiced - We're all born with prefect pitch, but without practice; we all lose it.
If you're losing your voice within 5 minutes you're doing something wrong... Perhaps PM me a video so I can help correct you on possibly your posture or anything else that might be wrong...
Remember the singing voice comes from your lungs (mainly the diaphragm) - NOT YOUR THROAT! That's where people go wrong. |