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I can't write music for some reason?

20 Jul 2009 15:40 | Quote
Joined: 20 Jul 2009
I've been playing for almost 6 years. I have alot of techniques down and everything but my song writing is horrible. Im bad with structure and writing music.

Any tips to help me out? it always seems like i have writers block and i always seem to play the routine of stuff i always play on the guitar but change it up a lil . should i learn more songs to get more creativity?

20 Jul 2009 16:04 | Quote
Joined: 28 Aug 2008
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It's not everyone's thing. After six years, I'd say it's not yours. But if you wanna keep trying... start with expressing yourself or talk about things that you like, things you don't. Keep writing, re-read things and edit.
20 Jul 2009 16:44 | Quote
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I agree with Jazz, after 6 years it probably just isn't going to be the easiest thing to do. I can't write lyrics either, but, I can make up some cool riffs just on the go. Easiest way to get started on a song, for example, I listened to I'm Broken by Pantera the morning of band practice, while we were jamming, I somehow found a riff that sounds similar but also sounds like me. after you get the idea for a riff you can try to think about words that would fit with the songs attitude. that's always been easiest for me to do, I tried the other way and then I couldn't fit the music to what I wanted to have sung. hope this helps
20 Jul 2009 20:01 | Quote
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well when i write its very random, in the shower, on the bike...lrycis wise. somtimes ill think of a riff, scratch tht just play random chords when i pick up the guitar first thing in the morning. i emeber it and work it out. somtimes with lrycis i get tons when im just about to fall asleep, i then say to myself ill get up and write it down, ive never gotten outt bed to do tht, i keep a pad of paper and pen by my night table. however somtimes when i say im gona write lyrics i dont, however somtimes when i do i think of better lyrics then i usully do... just hava find some things. some stuff i think helps is go to the place you enjoy the most and just think, not lyrics but think, maybe bring a pal, eventually ull come across somthing...
20 Jul 2009 21:41 | Quote
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Well I say keep trying just approach it from different angles.

Yes sounds like you haven't focused on song structure. I recommend you listen to some music, learn new songs, and read some books to improve your vocabulary and get ideas.

Most importantly just go with what you wrote you may think its bad but you need to hear it and learn from your mistakes, if there are any.

Get it out no matter how bad then you'll progress
4 Aug 2009 08:26 | Quote
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a few of things you could try that sometimes work for me:
1. spend a day finding songs you like and learning them learn to sing the lyrics, learn the chord changes and the rhythm sing them all through a few times to get a feel for different songwriting styles
2. do not be afraid of making a very simple song to start with; music is after all fairly organic in nature and a simple seed can eventually grow into a masterpiece if nurtured correctly (i just got free studio time for playing a song that consisted of only 3 chords)
3. read some poetry because poets know how to rhyme
4. diversify your music tastes (listen to musicians that you wouldn't normally listen to- check out the topic i posted entitled-Bands People Haven't Heard Of But Should)
5. don't fear ridicule just try and write from the heart etc..
6. check out the post- 'Advice seeking i am' for a list of random song ideas
7. don't take yourself to seriously, try to have fun and make something that you would like to listen to
8. just write down nonsense off the top of your head (check out the book Bob Dylan wrote called Tarantula for a good example of artful auto-writing)
9. copious amounts of alcohol or that green bushy stuff you get in little bags off the street pharmacist sometime help
10. jam with people as much as you can caus improvisation skills only come with practice. also getting feedback from other musicians is very helpful and you will often find that people are willing to help you develop little riffs and licks you've been playing and maybe didn't know how to go forward with

and remember just because you haven't written any songs yet doesn't mean you cant write songs as league said, it just might mean you approaching it in the wrong way
I'm also with Jazz just keep on trying
4 Aug 2009 13:28 | Quote
Joined: 26 Feb 2009
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harleyofdoom says:
9. copious amounts of alcohol or that green bushy stuff you get in little bags off the street pharmacist sometime help

lol I guess that is what may have helped influence Purple Haze
4 Aug 2009 14:15 | Quote
Joined: 29 Apr 2009
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said it before, gonna say it again : the song writes you
4 Aug 2009 16:40 | Quote
Joined: 05 Dec 2008
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everyone can. don't worry it'll just come eventually. and the weed named purple haze was named after the song so no, jimi didn't have enough money to be doing drugs at the time he was writing his music. In fact he was a hobo for a while, until he got famous and started doing drugs
4 Aug 2009 17:39 | Quote
Joined: 26 Feb 2009
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hey man, that stuff can be dirt cheap, just depends. But, uh, oops, you didn't hear that from me.
6 Aug 2009 00:09 | Quote
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get drunk and have a recorder on during a jam session

i wrote a riff lyk that once it just needed touch ups

but it works
11 Aug 2009 00:47 | Quote
Joined: 04 May 2009
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be inspired by me ,not to sound stuck up or anything

go to my forum called

Lyrics by J05H

in the songwriting section

but no stealing my songs or ill find you
10 Mar 2010 21:27 | Quote
Joined: 09 Mar 2010
United States
Stop trying so hard.Keep it simple.The hard complex crap will come to you in time. Also shouldn't hurt to learn some covers and see techniques others use.

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