every decade, people say, 'whats happening to good music?'.
ignoring the facts that it is said every decade, that there is no such thing as good music, that in two decades you will talk about the great music that came of of this decade.
seriously, guys, when will you grasp the fact that music can not be 'good' or 'bad'. you can 'like' or 'dislike' it. because it's 'subjective'. you say, what is happening to good music? well most people would say, 'oh, it's right HERE' and point at several popular bands. and there is nothing you can say that will make that wrong.
Joined: 28 Aug 2008 United Kingdom Lessons: 24 Licks: 37 Karma: 47 Moderator
The music you don't like isn't crap. If it was crap it wouldn't have gotten out there. There are just different tastes. Naturally, there will be a large amount of people who will like simplicity (rap, hip hop, trance, etc.) This doesn't mean that our genres will die out. Classical and Medieval are one of the oldest, yet there are still loads of people who enjoy listening to that, even though you don't know them. Then Jazz and Blues came to existence, which also have an insanely large amount of fans.
The genres with real history will always be around. Because there will always be people fascinated with what has been made. Perhaps sometime in the future they'll make a collaboration of styles. But they'll always be there.
Joined: 04 Jan 2007 United Kingdom Licks: 1 Karma: 11 Moderator
JazzMaverick says:
If it was crap it wouldn't have gotten out there.
So maybe it was just released to make lots of money, without giving a damn about its musical credibility.
And I didn't choose that album because I don't like it, or because it's a rap album. I choose it because it is the lowest ranked on metacritic's list of worst albums, and is consistantly rated badly by several critics.
If there is no good or bad music, then that must mean that there are no good or bad films, or pieces of art for that matter.
Joined: 21 Aug 2008 United Kingdom Licks: 2 Karma: 19
I'm just 15 and I LOVE country and cuban style Jazz! Old and new country and westerns I'm mad about, Tim Mgraw, the elastic band, Tommy Cash, Johnny Cash and the Tennessee 2/3, Miranda Lambert, Blake shelton, (I won't list them all) you name it! It's less comon, makessense to me, and is NEVER overplayed onthe radio, one ofthe reasons even fans of that RMB stuff wanted rid of everything after it's litterally played on the radio constantly.
I'm fine with older country that's usually closer to Blues, old pop and 'Rock and Roll', aswell as the newer versions closer to normally soft rock. I like Country for it's veriations. I know what you all mean though, all I here today is COMPLETELY everyone in my generation here are annoying in music IO find personally. They all listen to Rap, 'Dance and RMB' (I can't tell the difference with those two at all, myself) and all it is repeats of 'she got fur, FUR, she hit the floor, flooor .etc' and 'WOOOAAAOOOHHH, WOOOOH' for WAY to long! (Later to have a random 'so free' later, with that still going on)
But yes, other than the exception of new country, today's popular to survive music worshipped by the possibly all deaf young teens, I'd have to agree I HATE that new stuff. I just can't understand any meaning of it. But that's just me. If others like it fine, just stop playing the dang stuff near my house at night people!
(Oh, out of the Cubans I like Irahere, tito puente and Mongo Santamaria....if it's of interest, I'll stop rambeling like a sterotype of and elderly person now)
Joined: 10 Feb 2008 United States Lessons: 1 Licks: 1 Karma: 31
lol heather...the 15year old going on 70 lol, its really unfair to be born now and like older stuff, its like fuking tourture...never had a chance to see the original skynyrd, ozzy especilly rhoads, i love him, lead zep, ac/dc, gnr, the who, maiden, hendrix, beatles, ect ect ect...its fking unfair.
Joined: 28 Aug 2008 United Kingdom Lessons: 24 Licks: 37 Karma: 47 Moderator
blackholesun says:
If there is no good or bad music, then that must mean that there are no good or bad films, or pieces of art for that matter.
No, not really. Unfortunately you don't get the point we were both trying to get at.
50 Cent, Backstreet Boys, Blink 182, Metallica, DJ Tiesto, Children of Bodom, Necrophagist, George Benson, etc.
Listing a few bands from a number of genres... People will call them crap - because they don't like them.
There will always be people who don't like certain styles of music, and there will always be someone out there who does. So it's not crap. It's a matter of opinion of different tastes.
Joined: 04 Jan 2007 United Kingdom Licks: 1 Karma: 11 Moderator
JazzMaverick says:
There will always be people who don't like certain styles of music
I said nothing about disliking rap. I like a bit of rap and hip hop, and I've stated that many times on this forum in similar threads.
And whether I like that album or genre or not, that album still has BAD reviews from both music journalists and general music fans. Therefore, it's bad music.
Joined: way back United States Lessons: 2 Karma: 10
Damn these posts are long! And mine will be too.
I agree with what gustavo said about hip-hop.
But hey everyone has to remember that Metal and Real Rock or Classic Rock was mainstream in the past few decades. Then there are the hugely succesful mainstream artists that fall into the Pop category.
I agree that there are a lot of crappy musical acts out there but Notim can probably agree that they were rampant through the 80s too.
BTW Listen to KLOS Classic Rock 95.5 Los Angeles it ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"that album still has BAD reviews from both music journalists and general music fans. Therefore, it's bad music."
neither music journalists nor music fans have been declared by the muse the sole arbiter of artistic worth.
i think the album sucks. you think the album sucks. but if we were to meet a person who happened to like it, there is no legitimate argument in our favor. because music is subjective. you can use whatever adjectives you want to describe it; your opinion can be whatever you want it to be; but it holds no authority anywhere outside your own mind.
In theory, baudelaire, you're correct. However, anywhere outside the discussion of metacognition, and many other words with "meta" as a prefix, that argument doesn't really hold water. Sure, music, along with any art, is subjective, but that doesn't mean anything that comes from an instrument or someone's mouth is good music (or, in this case, music at all). In general, art is usually held to be worth what thought it is expressing, combined with how well it expresses that thought. Sometimes, as with many of the "bad" "artists" who have been the topics of discussion here, a piece of "art" isn't really expressing anything, but is just a brash exercise in commercialism. When this happens, I don't believe it's fair to call the product good art/music, or for that matter, art/music at all.
P.S. I used two sets of quotation marks, '"bad" "artists,"' in an effort to keep the words from being used, in this particular instance, as they had been earlier in the thread. Well, not actually used, but referred to. I hope that makes sense. Adieu.
oh, i understand the grim reality that is terrible art. i know that art is less subjective then it can be earnestly proven to be. we all know the whiny queer music teens listen to is of no artistic merit. i just think people were going to far and being too liberal with the idea that 'good music' is not being made; so i become the devils advocate to equalize the situation.
also, the connection to commercial aspects exists, but is far vaguer then you might assume. a piece of art ought be judged by no index but it's quality... don't think that art made for money is somehow degraded. you'd be surprised at how many things many of the great composers did to make some cash... the difference between the good and the bad ones is that the bad ones made bad music for cash, and the good ones made good music for cash. there are a great deal of very good and talented artists that do what they do because they love their art, of course - there are easier ways to make money - but they certainly do it for money as well.
True. But we must remember that those artists actually do not get the most money. Recording companies get the most money, what artists get when their recording companies are drained them dry is fame, Oh yeah the fame, what an splendid source of inspiration and reason to make music. the art?.
For me "artists" like Britney Spears and alike are form of commercial entertainment to massess, not art, not music. Just an plastic surgered puppets full of silicon to entertain those who even not want anything but jump up and down in those Disco clubs and devour Xtacy pills.
Joined: 26 May 2008 United States Licks: 2 Karma: 3
All of this is true, exept for the plain fact:
Artists noadays cant compare to the artists of a few decades ago
So would you say that someone is going to come about and supply us with some much needed music, or are we going to have to adapt knowing that there will never be music like the artists of time gone by?
relaxed dude, that's just plain damned dumb. there are as many good artists today as there were 10, 100, and 500 years ago. you're just too lazy to look for them.
Joined: way back United States Lessons: 2 Karma: 10
What Baudelaire said is also true for Bad Music. I explained it in my previous post. That being said what could be causing this sudden discontent with todays music? I'm not going to compare bands and genres because that got some people discontent in the forums.
I was listening to these guys earlier and thought all of you might like to hear them. They're a French Techno/Rock/Pop band called the Prototypes. Not what I would normally listen to, but I love them.
oh my god... oh my god... ill need a whiskey... a double.
I dont know what to say of that vid... when you have an feeling that cant described the feeling because lack of consepts... well, I didnt like it xD
Joined: 30 Apr 2008 United States Lessons: 2 Licks: 11 Karma: 9
Crunch, here's a french artist that a friend of mine really digs. Her name is Yelle, and even though I'm not too big into that kind of music, I can move to it and the songs are kind of catchy.
She once told me what she was singing, but I've since forgotten.
well, dre's kid offed himself, so i'm not expecting any good rap out of him anytime soon. (and dr dre's kid said...)
but eminem is coming out with a new album sometime soon, so rap is soon going to be infused by a GOOD album, not this shit they play on the radio.
i think i heard DMX might be doing something, but i'm not sure.
good music will ALWAYS exist. but, you're always going to have to LOOK for the good music of the present day... the good music of the past is already canonized for us. the, "good music is gone" deal is a illusion.
and, see, thats opinion. i for one, hate nirvana, and only respect the beatles. i don't like BB kings work especially much either. i really like the kinks, but they aren't the BEST music in my opinion.
actually, in my mind, we are currently in the heyday of the finest musician of the 20/21st century - buckethead. he is in my mind comparable only to the great composers of the classical and romantic era.
buckethead? a gimmick? is that why DISNEY hires him to compose orchestrations, over all the well respected university dean of music composers, why composers have said he was the only person that truly understand schoenbergs dodecatonic matrix? not only is he indeed the most technically talented guitarist, he can play slowly better then anyone as well, he has more musical knowledge then possibly anyone on earth has EVER had, is more prolific in his work, is more unique, he has no desire to make a great deal of money from his talents - he doesn't even want recognition. he plays in little tiny gigs for peanuts, and yet axl rose could have made him a arena hitter when he recruited him for velvet revolver or whatever it was. he releases whatever he feels like, knowing that the sales will be meager.
Joined: 28 Aug 2008 United Kingdom Lessons: 24 Licks: 37 Karma: 47 Moderator
The music that's alive now it still just as good, you know.
It depends on where and what genres you’re looking at. Also as Baudelaire and I have already said, along with some other members - it's totally down to opinion.
Music these days is still amazing, of course there are styles that are disliked... but have you not realised that in this day and age there is so much versatility? Compared to Mozart’s day and age when all there was, was pretty much Classical.
We're blessed with so many different styles, and so many different ideas to learn from! To be honest, we should all be grateful.
Even if you consider some things crap, they have melody and you can learn from that melody if you (meaning everyone) would just open your mind and listen.