Joined: 26 Feb 2009 United States Lessons: 2 Licks: 6 Karma: 24
If I am going to be doing leads that don't use open strings or anything below the 5th fret I'll use them since I don't want to have a near perfect take be ruined by an open string ringing out at one spot. I can do the solos without them, but why would I not take 3 minutes to use one and get a great take in only a few minutes?
While I don't use anything like this myself, I really don't consider it to be cheating to use such a device. If you have a lot of noise because of your set up and it makes you sound better, why not? Is it cheating to use a noise gate or better equipment? No.
You're only a weirdo for putting a sock on your nut ;)
Joined: 03 Sep 2010 United States Licks: 3 Karma: 22
a capo is a musical tool to change key and is not cheating,a dampener is something you use because of lack of the proficiency on guitar to keep things quiet and restrained
Joined: 14 Dec 2009 United States Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 16
gshredder2112 says:
a capo is a musical tool to change key and is not cheating,a dampener is something you use because of lack of the proficiency on guitar to keep things quiet and restrained
It could be argued that you could learn different positions of different chords and just improve and not use a capo though. I see your point. All I am saying is that if one is a tool, why is that the other can not be viewed as a tool?
Joined: 03 Sep 2010 United States Licks: 3 Karma: 22
you make a good point, a dampener is a tool,but it makes people get lazy and not learn muting properly,i can sweep arppegios at.light speed with a muter,but it takes away the whole mystique of actually being able to learn guitar,it takes away all the feeling of.a guitar being able too ring out,while a capo just moves the nut up and down the fretboard.
Joined: 03 Sep 2010 United States Licks: 3 Karma: 22
guthrie govan uses it to keep his tapping licks quiet,mab because of the double guitar,never heard of jennifer batten,and another person who uses a dampener live,is greg howe.