btimm Karma (16)
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thatguitarguy | "It's only potentially a bad thing if you allow it to be that way." | 03.28.2013 | MoshZilla1016 | Possibly the most level headed,kindest guy on the forum. Has a great desire to learn all he can. ALWAYS has a kind word. I can't believe I have not done this months ago. Keep up the pursute for jazz and all the other styles will seem easy. \m/ | 06.05.2011 | harleyofdoom | For sage wisdom and musicality in the face of adversity I award thee one mystical Karma point. | 06.01.2011 | gshredder2112 | For always giving me something to do and think about,and he's a pretty cool guy,glad to have ya around bro. | 05.06.2011 | Guitarslinger124 | Shoulda done this a while ago. Great guy and he loves hockey like I do. | 04.08.2011 | tinyskateboard | Hockey Fan | 04.08.2011 | neomass1 | "people are not trying to make you feel weird or bad for asking a question and are only trying to help you. I believe that sincerely. Thanks." your alright man, it means a lot to someone like me who is has to deal with peopel who are not alw | 03.19.2011 | Admiral | I respect you very much for 2 reasons: 1. you dedication for learning music theory. 2. Your dedication for your family. It's good to have such people like you on the forum! Best Regards | 03.04.2011 | macandkanga | Right back at ya BTIMM! Here's a little bit-o Karma for Christmas for ya! | 12.22.2010 | ChicagoMedic | fellow pumpkins fan, thumbs up sir! | 10.13.2010 | case211 | Really nice guy and always has an honest opinion which I value very much ;) Keep playing man, you will be surprised when you can rip one morning without thinking about it haha | 09.05.2010 | nullnaught | You help others out. | 09.01.2010 | JazzMaverick | You are indeed a nice guy, and I have a lot of respect for you. Your passion for music will take you places! Keep that attitude alive! =D | 08.29.2010 | Mistaluke | from what i can tell he seems like a nice guy! | 05.21.2010 | Phip | the "new guy" plays because he has a "need" to and that's cool | 04.11.2010 | Empirism | Active dude who is keen on learning and all-around nice guy, Cheers! Nice to have you here | 02.13.2010 |
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