DarkRiff |
Joined: 18 Mar 2008 United States  Licks: 2 Karma: 12
All You Guitarists, this is probably one of the biggest questions anyone can ask a guitarist for,
Why do you play?
My answer for fun, and to prove everyone wrong.
no one ever credited me for being good at anything,
and i'm to show i'm good at something, and it's showing,
my uncle says if I can get a band together and with a couple more years practice, i could get a record deal.
but what's your reason |
EMB5490 |
Joined: 10 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 1 Licks: 1 Karma: 31
i started b/c i just needed to make the music, once i started listening to good music i said, holy shit, i gotta play guitar...so i did. i guess its for my own pleasure. |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada  Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
well at first i only played cuz my parents made me learn some instrument so i picked guitar... but now i love playing soo much.
but i play mainly for fun, its pretty much the only thing im good at |
Morris82 |
I never had any interest in guitar until about 3 years ago. I heard Dad playing some Pink Floyd and I was sold. Love it, Live it, Breath it, Dream it, and will never leave it. |
ThePusher |
Joined: 19 Jan 2008 Canada  Lessons: 3 Karma: 3
I started cause I wanted to get girls and because I was the only guy in my family that couldn't and because I started playing guitar Hero |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada  Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
lol i was watching an interview of bruce dickinson on youtube and he was annoyed with people playing music to get girls =p |
ThePusher |
Joined: 19 Jan 2008 Canada  Lessons: 3 Karma: 3
yeah I know thats why I started to play the guitar though, my passion is bass and I learned bass because I wanted to be a musician |
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
I dunno know, i mean i always wanted to play guitar. I took me a long time to get enough money to get one but i've been playing on and off ever since. |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
I play for a future worth living for. I don't have any friends, so I just pass the time by writing songs and playing guitar. |
Cata34 |
Joined: 29 Mar 2008 United States Karma
Ya I don't know why I started anymore. I keep playing though as a way to ease my mind, keep it off other things. |
keniemn |
Joined: 09 Apr 2008 United States Karma: 1
a freind of mine left it he figured if he left it i would play around with it
like any other pothead, i cant leave nothin the fuck alone |
Veqq |
Joined: 18 May 2008 United States  Lessons: 2 Licks: 5 Karma: 1
Because it's like crack... But that's the reason for the last few years.
I started because I heard what music could be, (Accepts Fast as a Shark) and I was disillusioned by all the crap that's been made since 1990. And then I started hearing even faster stuff and learning new things... And then it was like, :O I can play better then all these people who have deals (except of course those Vitrosos...) So basiclly, I'm trying to bring Speed Metal back to life, how ever, it's not going very well, I've only known 2 people, both over 500 miles from me, who like it... :/ |
keniemn |
Joined: 09 Apr 2008 United States Karma: 1
"becuse its like crack"
thats the shit well spoken
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
I play just because I love music, and I think music is something that anyone can love and most people at least like. It's like another language where you have to try best to do justice to your feelings. Plus it feels good most of the time. |
keniemn |
Joined: 09 Apr 2008 United States Karma: 1
that also was very well spoken |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada  Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
yes, bring back metal, that is another good reason to play. theres like only 1 band i actually like that started in this century.
playing also helps relieve stress. |
league |
Joined: way back United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 10
I actually wanted to play drums then I wanted to play my favorite songs. Then I learned about heavy metal and how its perfect for guitar. Then I bought a Strat and I was just fucking stoked at being able to play one chord. Other reasons include: Proving to my family I could, passing time, and GIRLS. A guitsr is just a chick magnet. I have talked to some girls that would otherwise never have noticed me. I also love music (especially classical) since I can remember. |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
BBT: I think there are quite a few heavy modern bands. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
I would have to say it's simply because I enjoy it. It's something that I LOVE to do. It's the only talent I have really, and I wanna go somewhere in life with it.
Doz is right, in fact I have a whole list of heavy stuff that I heard on that radio station. They aren't as heavy as some other stuff but they're pretty hardcore |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada  Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
@ league: yeah its a chick magnet unless you play stuff chicks hate, like Emperor. =p
yeah i know theres lots of heavy stuff, but so far only 3IoB is the only one that made me think, "WOW" |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
I like a different type of heavy to you guys. All Shall Perish, anyone? |
Crunch |
Joined: 31 Jul 2007 United States Karma: 3
I really liked the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Led Zeppelin since I was 8 or so, and at about 10 I realized why-the guitar playing. I decided I wanted to play songs like John Frusciante and Jimmy Page. |
deefa |
Joined: 22 Dec 2007 United Kingdom Karma: 8
I started when I was 11 just to pee my parents off (they wanted me to play piano. Yuk!). It was the best bit of rebelliousness I ever experienced as I immediately fell in love with the instrument. It gave me everything a kid could want at that age, a challenge, a feeling of achievement every time I learned something new and, as I started to get older and more proficient, sex appeal! |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
Ooh, I'm quite interested in piano. Had a couple of lessons a while back, never stuck with it, now I wish I did. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
I like Piano too. Never learned it but I think it does sound really good in some heavy metal. Crazy as it sounds.. |
ThePusher |
Joined: 19 Jan 2008 Canada  Lessons: 3 Karma: 3
yeah keys go perfectly in Melodic Death Metal like Children of Bodom and In Flames, I taught myself to play though I can play like Don't Stop Believing by Journey and the themes from Halloween and Nightmare Before Christmas and I can play one part of Nymphetamine Fix by Cradle of Filth so you know I dig keyboards |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada  Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
yeah piano wouldnt be to hard to pick up, u just gotta know wut u wanna play |
deefa |
Joined: 22 Dec 2007 United Kingdom Karma: 8
The trouble with pianos and parents is that they always want you to learn 'properly' and have 'real' training with expensive teachers. Two or three months in, you could be feeling sick to the back teeth with it but you feel awful about saying anything 'cause your folks have already spent a small fortune. To me that would have been the beginning of the end for my lifelong love of music!
Did you guys misunderstand me? When I spoke of my love for the instrument, I was talking guitar not piano! |
ThePusher |
Joined: 19 Jan 2008 Canada  Lessons: 3 Karma: 3
yeah dude I mean most things are easy enough to convert but what is hard is trying to combine treble notes and bass notes I can play both parts seperately but when I try to play both at the same time I'm hooped |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
I like the Piano in If I Could Fly by Helloween. it's only like a little thing but it sounds good with the guitar in it.
I like Stryper's piano too |
GRX40 |
Joined: 20 Mar 2008 United States  Licks: 1 Karma: 2
The only thing I can play on piano are a few simple songs (Jingle Bells, etc.) and the C Blues scale (which is actually really fun and easy to improvise on). I'm teaching myself more out of a lesson book though. |
soy.el.che |
Joined: way back Mexico  Lessons: 1 Karma: 9
i always liked music and when i was 4 i used to shout a lot of nonsense words in english and told my friends i was singin rock lol... then i grew up, i was a lot into greenday and bands like that.. i brokemy arm when i was 12 and when i got better my mom gave me my acoustic.. i started playin punk n got bored and then i searched for more difficult stuff: rock.. then i got into a band.. never played live and that year my parents decided to move from town, then i got a new band and went in playin at some gigs, i started likin it.. then i moved again and since then, ive had two bands |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Nice, soy
I will be lucky if I can even get a band together -.- |
Notim |
Joined: 08 Dec 2007 United States Karma: 9
I really dont know why I started playing either or remember cause its been so long,and really is a good question.I know it wasnt for women cause I could allways get them anyway guitar or not and not for the pussy reason like DOZ said (lol) to bring the world closer and have a universail languge that everyone could speak and understand...WTF I guess I started cause I like the fucking guitar and I take my frustrations out on it and know matter what I play or how I play it ,it allways understands. |
BodomBeachTerror |
Joined: 27 May 2008 Canada  Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 25
i definatly didnt start to get girls, one is enough for me =p |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Yeah guitar just helps with girls.
I don't want like 538646843 girls. One is enough for me too
EMB5490 |
Joined: 10 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 1 Licks: 1 Karma: 31
yes, but do u want 538646844 girls? lol. wow, off topic... |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Not really.
I'm good enough with just one who I actually have feelings for and not a bunch that I don't even like |
Nutter166 |
Joined: 22 Feb 2008 Wales  Licks: 2 Karma: 14
Guitar never got me anywhere to be sodding honest, I now play it because I dont want to quit it again, I stare at it wells playing and whisper my hate for it to it..yet I love playing it at the sametime.
Why I started? I don't know honestly it was so long ago I dunno why, I know why I quit after my first year: I had no support,no teachers, no friends that played,wasn't really into music like I am now.
I started playing ago because I got 'the itch' I guess.
Now stop all this silly talk about girls its making me feel left out =| |
EMB5490 |
Joined: 10 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 1 Licks: 1 Karma: 31
lol, i thought ur nerd power would prevail nutter lol. im jk |