Guitarslinger124 says:
I hate to disagree with you Carl, but passing tones/notes and ghost notes are two totally different things; I am not sure how someone could get them confused. (Not that you [Carl] don't know this, but for everyone else): A passing note can be described as a note intended to step from one interval to the next in a stepwise motion. A ghost note is like I said in my above post.
don't sweat it man! .. i love it when i screw up-it-makes me work harder (and teach better etc-etc)
But i don't agree with ya on the 'ghost note' definition...well 'don't agree OR dont quite see what ya mean ;)
which , lol, is why i (in frustration) said:
carlsnow says:
more than simple type on a forum-post provides to 'explain'; they need one on one help or (God forgive me for saying this)a really really good video
Har! Its true..
but yeah i realized i screwed the pooch via 'passing notes' right when a student walked in .. was gonna correct it buuuut.
ANYWAY, regardless of all that crapolla, this IS a tough one to "describe" as so much of 'it' (Ghost Notes) is "Fathered by' the chordal/modal/+ Licks that surround 'it'
the way i have always taught (and was taught , yadda yadda yadda) this is that IT (ghost) is more an IMPLIED TONE than a ringing tone IE: when ya play a two 2's via sliding purposefully over '2' en-route to '3', '2' = ghost 1 slides to 2 very softly and barely(/if)-emphasized while moving to '3'
(in a quick "blue" slide this is common when very very very briefly 'ghosting' the Maj-2nd while hammering+sliding to the Min-3rd)
->therein lay the trap that caused my stinky old brain to call it 'passing' ;)
chorally 'ghosts' are created via omission from "large" (at times small) a sort of "you notice IT because IT's not there(tonally) but rather, '
implied by omission'
anyways .. all attempted forum-style answers aside. this IS "really one of those things ya need to see and hear" IMNSHO
Global Disclaimer :
Carl Snow is an old, jaded & slightly bitter old man who cannot be held accountable for
anything, much less his opinionatedly opinionated opinions or those of his imaginary friends. We sincerely apologize if this Carl Snow and/or its behavior have infected you or others with its ugly brain and its juices.