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Ozzfan486 Karma (18)


Who Why Date
macandkangaI'm giving everybody Karma for Christmas!12.09.2011
Guitarslinger124Not sure why this took me so long. Don't think this needs an explanation.06.16.2011
neomass1dude, I'd play my own soundtrack. it's my life, why not? - Hell ya!06.15.2011
gshredder2112for having the same name as me01.17.2011
MoshZilla1016Do I really have explain my reason? OK....I felt like giving and Jake deserves it. Keep rockin Ozz. Or bluesing,jazzing,thrashing,raging whatever mood you're in ;)01.11.2011
nullnaughtIm guessing you like Ozzy09.06.2010
DarkRiffHe has potential06.13.2010
MistalukeJust noticed i havnt given you karma yet! I should shouldnt I? well Karma for posting great music on youtube!05.21.2010
btimmReally nice guy who loves Alice in Chains. Karma +++03.16.2010
case211cool dude who has loads of potential.10.03.2009
JazzMaverickYou're rockin' out fun and great potential! Best of luck to you!08.02.2009
telecraterThe tip on folk metal06.21.2009
EmpirismPling! Karma up, karma up, Pling... dang cool dude with good sense of humour. Cheers!05.27.2009
HeatherHe's cool and I'm bored and feeling like tossing some karma around!03.05.2009
future_god_of_the_axeHey, i need a kazoo player for my band! :)12.27.2008
Phipcudos to a guy who knows how to laugh and is the "cool breeze"12.19.2008
patlehMerry ***ing christmas12.09.2008
EMB5490yay first karma!12.08.2008
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