GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
It seems like today, all the good bands most of you guys grew up with, are dying off (getting old, too.) but also being killed off by this mainstream crap that people are listening to.
It seems like every girl (my age) is like obsessed with those Jonas Brother people, and the only reason is cause they think "tHeY aRe SoOo0o0o hAwT!i!i!i!i" .. but they all look like girls, and sound like girls.
What do you guys think is going to happen to music in the next, say... 12 years, (by 2020). Are all these cool and awesome bands gonna be buried by mainstream crap? Or will there be a miracle and music will somehow come back better than ever?
See this is what sucks about being a 13 year old in 2008, most of the people you know listen to crap (rap, hip hop, pop, etc.) and hardly any like true music. And also, I most likely will never see any of these wicked bands like Maiden and Priest and Testament.
Your thoughts?
Sorry for the big rant but people that obsess and idolize talentless "artists" just really grind my gears. |
joe |
Joined: 20 Aug 2007 United Kingdom Karma: 1
well over here the indie music scene is actually really strong with loads of bands like franz ferdinand, dirty pretty things, babyshambles, maccabees, the cribs, bloc party, coldplay and so on.
ummm i think mainstream music like that will always have more of the fans and the limelight but i doubt good bands will die out. if anything i think there will be more, because its now so much easier to record your own music and get it out there with things like youtube and myspace. i guess it all depends on the type of music you like at the end of the day. as far as im concerned tho good music isnt going to just die out. im sure by 2020 people will probably be saying the same thing, but there should always be good music because even if pop music is popular not everyone is gonna want to play that so maybe therell be loads more underground bands.
sorry for the even bigger wall of text lol
CTown |
Joined: 14 Jul 2008 United States  Licks: 1 Karma: 1
I think of the Jonas Brothers as parallels with Hanson and Insync. They're all overproduced, corporate, soulless, horrible, horrible music. But the eventually die out. (Ok so it took Insync FOREVER to die). During the late 90’s you couldn’t avoid the “boy bands” or “girl bands”
But during the same period a lot of great music also appeared. Granted subject to your personal tastes, but from my perspective… Sublime, Dave Matthews, Rage Against the Machine, & Oasis all really entered into the fold.
Point is you gotta keep your ear to the pavement b/c that’s where the real music is and this has always been true. And the cream eventually rises to the top. Ie… Metallica rose up during the Glam Rock era.
kellenman |
Joined: 23 Jul 2008 United States Karma: 3
someone may write a good song and think of it as their song, but once its been recorded and in the hands of listeners, its no longer their song, its everyones. my point is this, good music will never die as long as its been recorded and brought to public. |
CTown |
Joined: 14 Jul 2008 United States  Licks: 1 Karma: 1
That's a good point but not what I meant by "die." I was talking about all the hype that surrounds those bands. The Beatles will always be considered one of the greatest bands of the 20th Century, but woman are no longer fainting at the sight of Paul McCartney (least I don't think they are). |
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
Yeah, Ive been thinking this too a while and Ive came next result. Since we live in a world that is dominated by money, nothing else counts when we talk of music industry. Major recording companies are not interested bands with new innovations or new ideas. They observe an lists and what sells and what not and choose their "product" or "article" based on sales.
Now what we need is very VERY strong personalities that are the figure heads of the bands that sells with their charisma, not the music.
we also need good luck to get those personalities with charisma on limelights, who play otherkind of music that this "mainstream crap". Its only possibility to change music style of century away from this crap.
Other major problem is a popular style or how I say it better, how youngsters get dressed and what are "hot". Is it some "Disco Inferno" or "East-Coast Gangsta RAP hiphop or whatever" look than say old Glam Rock, Rock or Heavy look.
we have to remember that first Hippies was a little movement in san fransisco and finaly turned to worldwide culture, so we need another that kind of movement which is hard in this obtuse world we living.
shit...I have to stop before I write a novel xD
jcb3000 |
Joined: 09 Jul 2008 United Kingdom Karma: 4
some good points overall in this topic, but my main opint is that no type of music would ever die out, as long as people are listening and sharing/introducing it to new audiences. plus if everyone gets into rap etc, itll be easier to get concert tickets :P.
The time will come when most of "our" type of music will come back into the limelight and become much more popular than it already, but for the moment in younger audiences, it's mostly down to the peer pressure of being popular with other people by liking their music. |
ironman91313 |
Joined: 18 Jun 2008 United States Karma: 2
We wont be here in 2020 |
Crunch |
Joined: 31 Jul 2007 United States Karma: 3
I don't have a great like for The Jonas Brothers or Hanson, but I respect that they write their own songs and play their own instruments, no matter how incredibly cheesy their songs are. |
kellenman |
Joined: 23 Jul 2008 United States Karma: 3
i agree with crunch, people hate on them because they dont play their style of music or for what ever reason but anyone here would most likely love to be in their position |
Lunix |
Joined: 09 Jul 2008 Canada Karma
Hey GB do not let it get you down. Its the way of the world. Most people do not develop their ability to appreciate music very much. Thats why there is a lot of fluff. It is what people can appreciate and do want.
Have no fear though there is always a small number of musicians who care very much about the music they play and some of them actually come out with good stuff. You just do not hear about them but they are there.
If you have an ear and appreciate music then do so. Work at it too. Stretch yourself keep looking and listening. Who knows how good you will get and what tasty joys await?
The musicians you are looking for are around. Dont worry about those people who just want a little background or feel good music, not everyone is lucky enough to develop sincere and deep appreciation for music. The relationship is personal between you and the music and has nothing to do with them.
It gets better when your old enough to get out to the pubs and get out a little more. Theres some great talent kicking around on the B circuit that just does not give a hoot about anything other than the music and hence will never get "big"
whistlebug23 |
Joined: 25 May 2008 United States Karma
Well, see, here's my view:
Most of what I call mainstream (i.e. Rap, hip-Hip, songs no one will remember in less than a year.), has moderately taken over.
Yes, the older stuff was better. I consider the older stuff to be Collective Soul, Days of the New, Stone Temple Pilots, Godsmack, Pearl Jam and Metallica.
But, on topic, this may very well just be a phase, with a mix of crap music!
But, like someone said, just gotta respect them for (maybe) writing their own songs. |
KicknGuitar |
Joined: 13 Dec 2007 Lessons: 6 Karma: 1
Music's been evolving before we even called it that!
There are many cooperation produced bands (the boy band boom and "reality" TV is a perfect example).
In many ways one could argue thats merely your opinion, but I personally believe there are levels of talent that can be measured to a degree and not all of it can be compared justly.
There are good bands out there, however with the politics of life and our fast-passed world there is a large number of what I like to call "pop" music, trying to please everyone young and make a feces load of money. These would be most of our "hollywood artists."
Good bands dying off? Well two things, how old are these musicians? How old are the new ones? easier to relate to especially in such a material world. Also take a look around and you may find some amazing artists, start digging now and the rest of the adventure's work will seem effortless. get your ears out of Z100 (NY) and take a listen to some cute little coffee shop, or the local venue, or the bars...
Great temporary bands (in my opinion) are still around, they just don't have the hollywood glow(thank God!) |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
this sounds a lot like my thread. |
Lunix |
Joined: 09 Jul 2008 Canada Karma
Sorry I missed it Skold. One thing for sure is there is a lot of bad entirely forgettable music and a little bit of good stuff. I'm sure its always been that way. The thing is that time is a great sieve that filters out the not so good stuff and the good stuff lingers on. Its just an illusion that there is no good music being produced. |
Crunch |
Joined: 31 Jul 2007 United States Karma: 3
Yes Skold, yes it does.
Anyway, as Lunix and KicknGuitar have said, there are still plenty of great bands out there who make great music and really care about what they do. Mainstream examples: Radiohead-They are one of my favorite bands and may, in the end, go down as one of the best ever. Red Hot Chili Peppers-Aside from some of the goofball vocals (it wouldn't be the peppers without them!), they are great musicians and really care about their fans and their music.
Not as mainstream: Opeth-Well known by most metal crowds, they constantly "push the envelope" with each of their albums. They're always adding more complexities, better instrumentation, everything. They are just amazing musicians and cool guys too.
Those are just 3 examples taken from a nearly infinite pool. The only problem is, to find bands like these you may need to dig through a lot of crap first. |
CTown |
Joined: 14 Jul 2008 United States  Licks: 1 Karma: 1
Going to see live music at the bars helps, but I almost never listen to the radio these days... I've been listening to internet radio like "Pandora" alot and start radio stations based around smaller bands (such as Matt Nathanson or Collective Soul). Because you can guide the station you can get rid of the comercial junk. I've found alot of new, good stuff this way |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
some great bands of our time, check out the soundtrack of our lives, and the pillows. |
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
Good point CT, I listen also internet radios much and there ive found many great bands too. I sometimes also check that new band name, put that on and check what else artists these peoples who bought that artist have been bought. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Wow, lots of very good points by everyone.
I only listen to internet radio (the kind that only really plays one type of music) so I can avoid hearing crappy music that I hate (like pop and rap.) |
GRX40 |
Joined: 20 Mar 2008 United States  Licks: 1 Karma: 2
{Open Wall of Text}
I've been listening to the radio a lot recently, and I'm kinda disappointed in all stations.
The alt. rock station plays a lot of generic modern rock bands, where all the singers sound the same and the guitar is just monotone power chords.
I've listened to hip-hop station, and they play the same song over and over again. Most of the songs sound the same, mostly because they all use this voice changer thing that makes them sound like robots. It's kind of cool, but it's used in almost EVERY song.
I've also noticed that there are no real catchy songs anymore, like there have been in years past. There used to be at least a few hip-hop songs that I liked or could tolerate, but now they are all the same and all really bad.
I'm even disappointed with the "real rock radio" station. Most of their music consists of the generic modern rock or generic 80s hair bands.
The only good thing about that station is that they have two really good programs: "The Seventh Day", where they play full albums; and "Monday Night Metal", where they actually play heavy metal that would never get on the radio somewhere else.
I'm starting to like the independent station, mostly since they have no commercials, and they play a lot of unknown/local music. They play everything from some Latin music to blues to punk to this British rock (and sometimes metal, but usually only late at night).
(Close Wall of Text)
Summary: Radio sucks except for few good things.
ThePusher |
Joined: 19 Jan 2008 Canada  Lessons: 3 Karma: 3
It's gone man, rock will never come back, we're down to Atreyu and Avenged Sevenfold for todays "Metal" scene, I miss the days before 1985 Music had achieved perfection by then imo, I mean we got grunge after bu thats about it, I find myself wanting to put a bullet in my skull watching tv because the current K-Mart or other such comercial is the "Jonas Brothers" doing a Beatles cover, it hurt me alot, now onto the Jonas's, They make me want to die they really do, I recently went in my sisters bedroom and had to take down 22 pieces of memorabilia of them, I replaced it with that of Megadeth Maiden Dio and Black Metal figures, it was a grand feeling but, they actually believe these guys to be A) Christians, B) Virgins, and C) the on that has caused my loss of faith in society, my sisters believe them to have talent, sorry about the long rant but it needed to be done. Oh and sorry GB I posted before I saw the never get to see Maiden Priest or Testament and I've seen all 3 in the past 2 months, I felt compelled to say sorry about that |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
No, you're not down to Atreyu and Avenged Sevenfold for todays metal if you go out and actually look for metal. There are plenty of metal bands around, just because they aren't in the spot light. There are plenty of good rock bands around.
I personally am into *a lot* of modern music... and I believe there is *plenty* of talent around if you guys stopped complaining and started looking. |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
Since we're on this subject, look at this conversation I had with a guy on youtube
In response to me dissing Miley Cyrus' "music"
Him: Yes, This is a good fact especially coming from a guy who has a lot of experience with it. Switchfoot? Reliant K? News Boy? Good Job.
Me: I'm downloading those for a christian youth group. If you had looked farther back, you would have seen The Beatles, Oasis, Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Kinks, etc. Good job.
Me (again): Oh, and Keb Mo, Bob Dylan, The Pillows, The Temptations (and some other oldies), some B.B King, and The Who. But hey, look at you trying to defend Miley Cyrus! YOU RAWK!1!!
Him: Oh My God... What have i done. I can't bash anyone who has "Living in the Sunlight Loving in the Moonlight". My deepest apologies.
Me: At least Tiny Tim had talent, unlike Miley Cyrus. Also, I love how you immediately look right past the good music, and look straight for the bad music. I guess that explains why you listen to crap like Miley Cyrus.
Him: Well Sir! I don't listen to Miley Cyrus just FYI. I was actually being serious but what ever. I like how you have what you classify bad music as favourites.
Me: As I stated before, those videos were for projects that I'm working on. I don't quite like Tiny Tim's music, but at least he had talent, which is something that Miley Cyrus simply does not have.
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
I would have to say that your wrong. Miley does have talent she can sing. I don't listen to her.
People really get attached to their music regardless of what you think about it, it's there music and means something to them.
Look most guitar playing people like to listen to music that has guitars in it. This is natural. But for not guitar-playing people they don't really what what is being played they are listening diffrently. Musician tend to pick music apart more.
Look my wife listens to rap and hip hop and country. I don't like it but this is her choice. I have friends who are into diffrent stuff. I don't like it but i would never tell them there music is talentless.
I guess I have more apathy for people |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
Bollocks, tele. She has no talent whatsoever. However, I suppose a a studio would make it sound like she does. |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
I'm with tele on most of the post... but I haven't really listened to Miley Cyrus so I can't comment on that. |
blackholesun |
Joined: 04 Jan 2007 United Kingdom  Licks: 1 Karma: 11 Moderator
If you don't like it then why watch the video?! |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
I was linked to it. |
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
Disney is not dumb they are a huge company and they would be really embarrassed if they pulled a "Milli Vanilli". But only time will tell cuz miley will get droped by disney when when she gets older and they you can really see if she can swim.
As for new music I would say shut off the radio and TV and really listen in. You never know when you'll find something good even in strange places but I think every shut off the prejudice just listen.
I just found this guy.....
Skold I think you'll like him, hes got this Dylan, Neil young, rock thing going for him. I have been browsing Myspace just for music.
Phip |
Joined: 23 Dec 2007 United States  Lessons: 1 Karma: 45 Moderator
I just checked that link. Good music. you're right, kinda dylan, petty, young etc. thanks
Phip |
kellenman |
Joined: 23 Jul 2008 United States Karma: 3
dude, if miley cyrus is famous shes obviously doing something right with her career |
GRX40 |
Joined: 20 Mar 2008 United States  Licks: 1 Karma: 2
Doz says: No, you're not down to Atreyu and Avenged Sevenfold for todays metal if you go out and actually look for metal. There are plenty of metal bands around, just because they aren't in the spot light. There are plenty of good rock bands around
I agree, there are lot of good metal bands around today. Some new bands that I like: Hatebreed, Chimaira, Mastodon, Arch Enemy, Lamb of God, Children of Bodom.
And I am starting to like more "alternative" bands as well. I've recently gotten into Radiohead, Beck, Red Hot Chili Peppers, the White Stripes, Nine Inch Nails.
The only thing is that I rarely see these bands on TV or hear them on the radio (except for the Chili Peppers and White Stripes, who seem to get plenty of air time). |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
M.C Hammer is famous, and, well.... |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
That dude's got some tunes, man. Sounds HEAVILY Dylan influenced. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
For the metalheads:
I recently discovered two newer thrash bands (who are awesome) that soud pretty old school:
Sanctity and Municipal waste... and I love them.
Also; to GRX: I love Arch Enemy (Angela Gossow has insane vocals) and Lamb of God.
Not all music sucks today, just the majority of it (the overplayed radio crap) |
KicknGuitar |
Joined: 13 Dec 2007 Lessons: 6 Karma: 1
kellenman says: if miley cyrus is famous shes obviously doing something right with her career
I'm hoping that was sarcasm... either way...
Selling out, mass production of pop music to sell style and other materialistic things is doing right? I cannot see eye to eye with you, sorry. Doing the right thing with art is being true to you and the form, not to let elites mold you so you can help mold the rest of the brain-dead universe.
I am not saying she lacks talent, but I would disagree if someone said she was chock full of it. I cannot begin to see similarities (on a general level) between Stevie Ray Vaughan and Miley Cyrus.
Not to go too off track, but as an example of how she's manipulating most of her fans (and pedophiles) is the recent stunt with Vanity fair. Eh this may be completely out of line. I just can't stand materialistic thinking, especially spoon fed.
Long story Short, Telecaster hit the nail on it's head.
P.S. Is Jonny Kaplan Tom Petty's Son?!
Haha, good find though. |
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
I think comparing Miley to SRV is like apples and oranges.
I think she is as talented as Britney "Psycho" Spears, Christina auguslutfest, maybe Whitney "Wheres the Weed" Huston, etc Ok so I have nick names for them all.
Look most of those type of singers sing well but do not composed their own music and songs, they are just singers.
Just so you guys know (And I'm showing my age), I remember being a kid when poison was being played on the radio side by side to new kids on the block and vanilla ice. I was thinking the same thing "What is happening to good music?".
I think it's gotten worse and will get worse as more and more people choose not to purchase music. just a thought |
ThePusher |
Joined: 19 Jan 2008 Canada  Lessons: 3 Karma: 3
I meant for popular metal its only Atreyu A7X and other Metalcore bullshit, I found amazing bands by searching but they're all thats popular for metal |
gustavo |
hm..i look at it this way.
This decade was filled with crappy music
but i think some band is gonna come and save this decade from being the worst in producing great artist.
thought there is korn,soad,foo, and many other good bands overall
they may be mainstream but just becouse of that doesnt mean their bad you know. THERE will always be boybands and as for hip hop i think that becouse hip hop was so knew and so revolutionary people just sorta sold it out. |