Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
Ever feel like anything you write doesn't quite do your emotions justice? Like... the level of intesity in the music doesn't match your feelings and what's going through your head.
Discuss.... |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
Yup. I get like that occasionally. A good thing to do is to write what your thinking on the subject. Don't try and put every damn thing into a metaphor. Then, put a chord progression that matches the mood and/or setting. |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
I think you're missing it. Let's put the lyrics aside, that's no the problem. It's the actual music itself. And it's not like I can just make a chord progression to fit the exact mood. Most of the time, I don't really think a standard chord progression would fit.
I'm thinking, intense music. Think Converge, Shai Hulud, Fear Before the March of Flames, etc. |
Cata34 |
Joined: 29 Mar 2008 United States Karma
Ya I know exactly how ya feel man. It seems to be a problem for me pretty constantly. It's almost like I can hear it in my mind but when I sit to play it comes out just kinda... meh... |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
That's closer to what I'm talking about. That does happen... but also, it's like I'm limiting myself to writing in a certain way aswell. |
Cata34 |
Joined: 29 Mar 2008 United States Karma
Ya I do believe I know what you mean. My english suffers sometimes, bad vocabulary, but it doese sound similar to problems I myself have. |
ThePusher |
Joined: 19 Jan 2008 Canada  Lessons: 3 Karma: 3
I get the same problem, what I do is right all the music out then write the lyrics and if that doesn't work me and my friend'll sit around for hours pulling a Tenacious D and trying everything we can think of |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
So what your saying is that you have it in your head, but when you paint the picture on the canvas, it isn't quite right? |
Guitarslinger124 |
Joined: 25 Jul 2007 United States  Lessons: 12 Licks: 42 Karma: 38 Moderator
ive gotten pretty good at matching my music to how im feeling...because thats all i do. if your music doesnt make you feel anything, then what the hell are you doing!? if you're having trouble with chord progression try writing harmonies with two guitars or more. like my song "Rainy Day, Go Away"...which you can hear at |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
@Skold: Not quite. More like it is no where near the level of intensity I'm feeling.
@GuitarSlinger: Thats not it either. Some music I've written makes me feel things, a lot of it does. It's more like I'm having a hard time describing the way I feel - because inside everything is so complicated. I feel like I should be writing the kind of music that makes you frown (not frown upon it) and get frustrated. Intense stuff.
I'm not having troubles with chord progressions, I just don't feel like anything standard enough to be a chord progression would ever describe my most powerful emotion. |
EMB5490 |
Joined: 10 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 1 Licks: 1 Karma: 31
Doz says: Some music I've written makes me feel things
my gf does tht. lol jk. u cant put all ur emotions into one piece of music. theres just too much to express. |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
Lol, nah, I'm not trying to put too much in. Just push the music to it's extreme expression. |
blackholesun |
Joined: 04 Jan 2007 United Kingdom  Licks: 1 Karma: 11 Moderator
Tried using unusual rhythms? |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
I don't really think that'll hit it alone to be honest. I think it's going to have to be a lot of things going on. Dischords, freaky fast stuff, ambient stuff... all sorts of vocals, all sorts of modulation. I just suppose I have to keep pushing further and further. |
TheUndying |
Joined: 23 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 2
Maybe your doing to much?
When I want to get a "feeling" into a song i listen to songs with a similar feeling and take note of how they're written...
What mood/moods are you aiming for?...
I can probably help you (lyrically and musically if you want) get that feeling emotion-
(if you don't want to post it just send me a private message or w/e) |
les_paul |
Joined: 14 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 3 Licks: 2 Karma: 11
I think I know what you are saying doz, it's like your trying to explain something to someone but just can't find the words to fully get your point across... At least that's how I feel, I have so many Ideas and life experiences I would like to put into music, but I have no idea how to write. |
mattmurray |
Joined: 18 Sep 2007 United States Karma: 5
I felt like that forever, I would get so frustrated I'd punch the wall until my hand would bleed just because I couldn't get accross what I'm feeling. It's less like not being able to find words to explain something than it is like not even speaking the same language as everyone around you. I think the better developed my technical skill becomes, the better I am able to relay exactly what I feel. |
league |
Joined: way back United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 10
When I try to write a song on a feeling or strong emotion I can usually create it in my mind and then I can reproduce it on guitar. |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
TheUndying: I don't want to just imitate another band though.
Les Paul: Yeah, you are the closest yet.
MattMurray: I don't actually think it's a question of skill. Converge aren't the most technical band ever (they're not simple, don't get me wrong) but they're one of the most intense band I've ever heard. I think it's more to do with dynamics, atmosphere etc.
League: It's hard to do that really if what you think of involves a load of instruments and you need a full band to work on things all the time. |
ThePusher |
Joined: 19 Jan 2008 Canada  Lessons: 3 Karma: 3
Try using alot of effects instead if righting it acoustically like sometimes for me something wont sound dark enough so I'll move it down an octave and run it through a phaser, or other things might just need to be orverdriven.
blackholesun |
Joined: 04 Jan 2007 United Kingdom  Licks: 1 Karma: 11 Moderator
Doz says: Dischords, freaky fast stuff, ambient stuff... all sorts of vocals, all sorts of modulation.
Sounds good, but what kinda emotions are you trying to convey? |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
Frustration over unresolved issues from a long time ago. Doubt about my direction in life in relation to my current college course. Anger and sorrow at some recent shit that's gone on, which I'm trying to forget about.
Apathy, discontent, doubt, fear, confusion. There's more. |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
Go listen to some linkin park. Should help. |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
Nahhh, not into Linkin Park. And that's nowhere near the level of intensity I want to achieve. Check out the bands I listed earlier on (Converge, Fear Before the March of Flames etc). |
blackholesun |
Joined: 04 Jan 2007 United Kingdom  Licks: 1 Karma: 11 Moderator
Listened to Helmet? They might help. To be honest I'm still not really sure what you're saying. You want to be intense like Converge etc, but you don't know how? cos I think you've already answered that yourself when you said about dissonance and "freaky fast stuff" lol. |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
Well, I know how they do it... but I want to be as original as possible about it so that I can relate it to myself more. |