How should you hold your hand when you speed pick ? |
Technique |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
I know "however you are comfortable" and that's what I do.
I kinda have this like fist thing I make like Tim Roth from Into Eternity, he said it's a bad habit he has and it's not good to get into it. I don't find it messes up my playing or interferes on anything though, but it isn't a fist actually. its more of three fingers on the pic, thumb, index, and middle, it is more comfortable for me. A lot of great guitarists do it too.
When speed picking, wrist, or fingers ? What is better to use - Or both ?
Notim |
Joined: 08 Dec 2007 United States Karma: 9
Both sometimes you have to switch becuase what your mind wants and you hands can do two diff things |
Guitarslinger124 |
Joined: 25 Jul 2007 United States  Lessons: 12 Licks: 42 Karma: 38 Moderator
first of all your hand has to be relaxed. i dont know how you can be relaxed with three fingers on the pick although a lot of great guitar players do it including Marty Friedman. try and let as little of the pick stick out as possible and the lighter you pick the better. also, try and minimized movement as much as possible-move only as absolutely needed. to help with the relaxation, start out slow and build up speed. i usually play from my elbow and my wrist when i speed pick just because its easier for me to use both as opposed to one (you've got both options, why not use them!?) hehe...but sometimes its easier to pick speedy triplets with my fingers especially if im switching strings. |
tAUG |
Sweden  Posts: 137
I use my wrist. You've gotta relax and be steady even though you shred |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
124, Probably just what I am used to doing, I find it comfortable.
What about, like when you speed pick for a very very long time and then your hand is super sore, what do you do to either kill it, or minimize it, or like build up an endurance to it ?
I'll have to try not using my fingers when I pick I much. As use them kinda a lot. |
Guitarslinger124 |
Joined: 25 Jul 2007 United States  Lessons: 12 Licks: 42 Karma: 38 Moderator
well my hand usually doesnt get sore because of the way i practice...i ALWAYS START OUT SLOW and speed up gradually. you should never start playing technical stuff without warming up first even if your hand feels ok. but if my hand does get sore, i just stop playing. and do some stretches. heres the best on to do: hold your hand out with your palm facing up. use your other hand and push down on your fingers (of the hand in pain w/palm facing up) so your hand is kinda doing a 'back bend' -for lack of a better word/s. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Ooh yeah I see what you mean with the back bend thing lol |
bons33 |
Posts: 1
I guess this falls under this topic. when I pick I let my other 3 fingers hang and and I anchor my hand with my pinky sometimes. I've been reading some forums and people are saying that ancoring creates tension and that its betting to have your hand floating above the strings, and your hand should be in a losse fist. what do you guys think |
league |
Joined: way back United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 10
To warm up, I speed pick while palm mutiung, then I let my hand float over the bridge and speed pick. It helps to anchor sometimes when you get tired. To pick in a loose fist is hard for many people,including myself. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
When I warm up I usually just play a few fast rhythm or chord progressions etc and mess around. Then I do a bit of crappy leads (on the spot) just to get going. When I feel ready I start to do the fast stuff.
I myself don't like to make a fist when speed picking, comfort reasons, but I see where you're going with the anchoring thing |
Nightmare |
Joined: 27 Jun 2008 Lebanon Karma: 6
how do you do pinch harmonics in that case? |
JazzMaverick |
Joined: 28 Aug 2008 United Kingdom  Lessons: 24 Licks: 37 Karma: 47 Moderator
There's a thread on this a little further back, I'm not sure who it's by. Unfortunately I haven't the will to type everything up all over again, sorry. I'll post the video up again tomorrow for you though. I'm too tired right now. But you're lucky you'll be awake when everyone in America will post for you. I'm sure they'll reply to this before I do tomorrow. |
Nightmare |
Joined: 27 Jun 2008 Lebanon Karma: 6
no thats an old topic. its not a thread, thats the one.. Why do you get excited on deleting a topic? LOL |
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
yeah what the hell happened to GB666?
JazzMaverick |
Joined: 28 Aug 2008 United Kingdom  Lessons: 24 Licks: 37 Karma: 47 Moderator
Ok you lost me man. Were you talking to me?
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