Hi to all!
I suggest you learn the intervals, in chords and scales as well.
In an attempt to shed some light on the subject, let me just share with you a few examples I used in response to a similar need in another thread of this forum: Sometimes a scale will match or go along with all the notes in your chord progression.- Ex A - Other times you will see that more than one scale will be needed to match or go along with all notes in the progression. For example: One scale for the first two chords in a 5 chord progression and another scale over the other three chords as in Ex B - And sometimes you will even have to use a scale for only one chord of the progression as in Ex C.
Chord Progression: C Am Dm G
C = R 3 5 = C E G goes along with C Major Scale: C,D,E,F,G,A,B
Am = R b3 5 = A C E goes along with C Major Scale: C,D,E,F,G,A,B
Dm = R b3 5 = D F A goes along with C Major Scale: C,D,E,F,G,A,B
G = R 3 5 = G B D goes along with C Major Scale: C,D,E,F,G,A,B
Chord Progression: C Dm E A B
C Dm -- C Major Scale: C,D,E,F,G,A,B
E A B -- E Major Scale: E,F#,G#,A,B,C#,D#
E = E,G#,B
A = A,C#,E
B = B,D#,F#
Chord Progression: G Cm D
G = G,B,D -- G Major Scale
D = D,F#,A -- G Major Scale
Cm = C,Eb,G -- Bb Major Scale
G Major Scale = G,A,B,C#,D,E,F#,
Bb Major Scale = Bb,C,D,Eb,F,G,A
Note:For each one of these situations there are other scales that may work as well.
Check out "Guitar Chords Workshop Requests" at: http://www.squidu.com/Guitar-Lessons-903 |