pxm says:
Why learn a major scale when starting of whit blues ???
You never use that in traditional blues.
I NEVER said “learn a major scale “ first. I was speaking of learning whole-step intervals up the neck (in a Maj movement, to make it easy) in order to develop the ear.
As for the idea that
pxm says:
You never use that in traditional blues”
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Although I did NOT go into this(Maj Scales) they are very very welcome in Blues playing.
Its a simple truth if you think about it a second:
When you Play Amaj Blues (say 1 4 5) what is the relative Minor? … F#min …
If you play a Blues in F#Maj … Amin, again a natural Min or Natural 6, comes into play.
You cannot suggest playing one and not the other, if not simply for the fact that they share the same tonal make-up.
So this time I will say it.
Learn the major and its relitive minor + minor and its relative-major …
I'll go one further.
Most blues (as most Country, etc) follow a 1 4 5 progression of some sort.
Learn a major-scale for each step (1 4 5) then learn the relative-minor for each.
(keep in mind Lydian is a major, and so forth, just as Dorian is a Min(-7) ...learn them all)
Keep in mind that many blues are IN a minor key, and so, learning the relative Major, to each (1 4 5) step is a must as well. In fact its a “mirror” of sorts, but more on that later.
pxm says:
You can (I studying masterclass course of Larry Cartlon right now.) change the minor steps in the begining of the blues scale against the major steps and the the rest of the bluesscale as normal over two octaves when playin the blues whot traditional blues seventchords.
But thats masterclass and also not so common way to play it...Okey, Jimmi Hendrix played both the blues scale and the minor scale twisted togheter over 9 chords, and in jazz you often play the blues using the dorian mode. But that´s not for a good start in blues. Tryin to all of it will only bee confusing.
Hendrix played some Blues but was not (as incredibly, inanely brilliant as he was) a “Bluesman”, and He was the first to point that out. ( I aint trashing JH, AT ALL; he's one of my all time favorite players, just sayin...and repeating what he said many times(esp to Buddy Guy)
The thought of Larry C playing blues is kinda funny, he's got chops galore, and is well known in the 'Lite-Jazz' community....but the blues? ...I just can't hear it.
(If I am mistaken please post some LC Blues clips, I would love to hear hi take on the blues, seriously)
I mean I could be wrong, but when I hear the name, Larry Cartlon well, “Blues” doesn't come to mind.
pxm says:
Thats nothing modal about to play the ionian scale to blues seventschords.
I have no earthly idea what the above ^^^ statement means,
...perhaps its a translation problem, Eng-Swede-Eng...
pxm says:
Then modal theory is not bluestheory !!!
I never mentioned “Blues Theory” and never would as it, to me is an oxymoron of the highest degree.
pxm says:
(delta & and chicago blues are played whit those chords ore even dom.9 chords.And melody and phrases made out of the blues scales.)
putting the Delta Blues and Chicago Blues together would, beyond using a Time Machine, be redundant as both grow from the same tree(Delta) …
...and again, you've misquoted my post and now added Dom9's to the equation.
pxm says:
Dim och Whole note and prometheus are usefull scales in blues but thats higher course. So we don´t discuss that now.
No. I do discuss this now that you brought it up... I never mentioned using Whole-Tone (not “note”) scales in blues, although they could sound interesting, I suppose.
I have no clue what you mean by “Dim och” ..eh? ... Please explain.
Same with “Promethious”.
pxm says:
I agre´that solmisation is good to know (to be able to sing the notes) but it´s not necessary
No its not, BUT, why not begin to learn that aspect of the art?
pxm says:
and in blues you only need how to sing that five notes.....
Okay now, that’s insane...
No insult intended
Why in the name of God would anyone, anytime, anywhere in ANY form of music LIMIT their playing to 5 notes!?
We have a 12-tone scale, taking over 1/2 of those notes away reduces our ability to express ourselves by, well, 7 notes.
If we took that approach we could toss out our Sus, Aug, Dim7, Min7 etc Chords as well.
I want all the notes I can have thank you.
pxm says:
I´ll sure carlsnow is a good player and the tips are usefull but it seems to be a long and hard way to me.
Old Saying : “Nothing good comes easy”.
pxm says:
And Delta blues are really built on bluesseventh´s chord and the blues scale...as well as Chicago blues.
There actually is a bluesscale that comes whit 5 modes...The second mode of the bluesscale is known as the "major"bluesscale...btw.....
Actually ...no.
and ...No.
… And MOST Delta Blues began in open-tunings played with makeshift slides.
pxm says:
The blue note are a tritonus note and in a minor pentatonic, 5 notes, you add that tritonusnote - thats called the blues note...
Some call that a “Blue Note” (its were the Jazz label Blue Note got its name) but it should in no way be confused with being indicative of either Jazz or Blues musics.
(i'd go on but I am trying to avoid a long theory post)
pxm says:
There is nothing wrong to have trained musclememory for the scales along whit your hearing..
We Agree.
Then ya say:
pxm says:
Then you don´t need to look at the guitarneck the whole time playin and you will play more safer too.
SURE 'not looking” at the neck is a Plus...
BUT “Safer” … Naw, “Safe” = boring; this ability allows you more freedom.
Yes you will mess up when you a free'd up BUT you learn far more from your mistakes than you do from your triumphs (or 'correctness').
pxm says:
To learn the blues scale will make it much construct or planking solo´s.
Very True.
pxm says:
You can come along way just using the bluesscales..And it´s easy to learn.
I agree
pxm says:
You can find the blues scale and any of the mentioned under "guitarscales" on this page, allguitarchords.com. Isuggest that you don´t bother the other scale´s - just learn the ordinary blues scale first and learn to use it building phrases and solo´s...
Actually I would suggest (and teach) the Major scale 1-7
(also called Modes of Maj Scale)
ALONG-SIDE The so-called Blues-Scale
(the “blues scale = a Minor Pentatonic with a raised 4
(#4 or b5, usually written as #4 due to THIS 1 2 3 4 b5 5... looking odd(er) than 1 2 3 4 #4 5... in the pentatonic and many many other scales)
So yes I agree somewhat, But as the Pent Minor with an added #4 is a REDUCTION of Both the 1st and 6th Major scales(modes) I feel it should be taught along with them.
pxm says:
On the blueslessonnet.com you can study different styles of blues and the styles of the big bluesmasters. I´ve done a lot of blues and if you send med an PM, kero, I can send links to more good page´s whit blues tabs and free lessons and blues theory written by all the big bluesplayers
You can indeed find a LOT on the web today. Most of it (id say 80%) is rubbish.
You MAY find a good thing or two on the web, BUT!
> can a Tab or Video say
“Hey, your hand is a bit cramped there”...
or “Try that run again a little less staccato... *(etc on and on)
I am biased in that I learned to play from live humans for eons and now teach other live humans face to face for a living.
I would have missed a TON of what I know/play were it not for my teachers stopping me mid-scale, stopping bad habits, taking the time to nurture my musical growth at a pace dictated for my skills...and on and on..
pxm says:
today......Most of the great artist where young when they got big bluesplayers
Some of them.
The man who taught me Slide was playing for Lonnie Brooks up in Chicago when he was in his early 20's.
Age is not a determining factor in ability.
pxm says:
don´t take 40 years + to learn the basics of blues.
No …
Wow! ... that would be a lifetime, heck, you can learn the basics of blues in a year or so!
And please do !
The world needs more blues! :)
BUT never think that you are finished learning at 10-20-30-40-50-60-Years...
Yet another old quote:
“The day you stop learning is the day you stop growing”.
pxm says:
And , in my opinion - after 40 years get it all wrong too.
Clearly that last insanely rude comment was aimed at me.
So I am getting this whole Blues-Thing “Wrong?”
I tell ya what …
Post a Video of You playing the blues, Ya-Know, kinda show me the ropes.
Fill me in on what I SHOULD be doing.
Lord knows I don’t want to keep on down this path of playing the Blues “all wrong”