Joined: 03 Sep 2010 United States Licks: 3 Karma: 22
yes,it is a small box that you plug your guitar into that allows you to manipulate your guits sound with your voice,all you hhave to do is vocalixe words into a long plastic tube and it acts like a awah
a good example would be,do you feel like we do by peter frampton,or livi n on a prayer bon jovi
Joined: 03 Sep 2010 United States Licks: 3 Karma: 22
an autotune aoutomattically makes any voice sound in perfect pitch,sounds good?WRONG!!!!inless you want to sound like a female pop star or the blackeyed peas dnt use an autotune
You give it a scale and it corrects your vocal track pitch and time. And yeah, but if your singing is close to right pitch, it makes it perfect without much change in sound, but if you are way away from right pitch its sound horrible..
Joined: 03 Sep 2010 United States Licks: 3 Karma: 22
@alexb thats true,in music anything goes,did anbody tell jimmy page using a therimin was stupid,whatt about king crimson using distortion on there vocals,s"all good.....except autotune....
Point taken Alex, that track sounds good...the thing we be more precise, is I think referred to as Hard Auto-tune. Using the Autotune to clean up the vocals of a pop act my be cheating, and contribute to the over glossification of the sound, but that is it's own usage. Almost immediately after this thing was invented Cher used it on Believe, but used it as a style to make the robot voice pitch shift, not in the way it was intended to be used (I can't complain about the creative re-use of a tool).
Jump forward 10 years and T-pain poopularized* the creative misue of the effect...and then everybody started to do it.
It reminds me of when, in the 80's, all the 'hair' bands wore tights and makeup and all the rap music had been reduced to a bombastic booming coming out of lowered pickup trucks. Fads. Hopefully destined to pass quickly. But the painful memory of Eddie Van Halen bringing in the keyboards for 1984 will never be erased from my musical memory. I was not hot for teacher!
*poopular: liking poop because and only because some other wanker likes it.