HeavyGuitar |
Joined: 29 Jan 2009 Norway  Licks: 2 Karma: 2
Which kinda chords is typical jazz chords?? |
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
major 7ths, minor 7th, 7b5 and 7#5, some dom and diminished chords, but also just regular major and minor. I would recomend checking out some recording, checking up on some theory, and maybe getting a book or even a teacher |
HeavyGuitar |
Joined: 29 Jan 2009 Norway  Licks: 2 Karma: 2
telecrater says: major 7ths, minor 7th, 7b5 and 7#5, some dom and diminished chords, but also just regular major and minor. I would recomend checking out some recording, checking up on some theory, and maybe getting a book or even a teacher
Thx:) I have the internet:) |
JazzMaverick |
Joined: 28 Aug 2008 United Kingdom  Lessons: 24 Licks: 37 Karma: 47 Moderator
The internet is limited and half the places kids look are wrong. He's giving you smart advice. Besides, nothing beats watching someone pwn at guitar than just looking at letters. AND, it's a physical thing, so you may as well observe from da masters. |
carlsnow |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 23
JazzMaverick says: The Internet is limited and half the places kids look are wrong. He's giving you smart advice. Besides, nothing beats watching someone pwn at guitar than just looking at letters. AND, it's a physical thing, so you may as well observe from da masters.
one of the 1st things i tell a new student =
"do NOT look at Internet Tab for accuracy!...better yet, don't mess yerself up with "online guides" at all.
i've now implemented this as a rule due to having to UN-teach a tune someone wants to play in order to teach it correctly, one too many times lol.
OH! and no offense but ANY chord can/will be a "Jazz" chord.
Jazzy nailed it! |
league |
Joined: way back United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 10
hahaha I absolutely hate with a passion when someone tabs something wrong but then again I also hate tabs.
Yeah I actually learned some stuff wrong from the internet until I got to this site.
And nothing beats having a teacher to guide you. I didn't have one so I learned everything I know 20x slower.
As for Jazz chords look for a "Real Book" (or something like that) and learn some Jazz standards, listen to the actual songs and learn the chords. And that's only half of it. Other than that the wiser more experienced members will tell you to get some real lessons haha.
carlsnow |
Joined: 29 Apr 2009 United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 23
league says: Other than that the wiser more experienced members will tell you to get some real lessons haha.
hahaha dunno about 'wiser' but YUP! ya read muh mind! |
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