devilchild |
Joined: 01 Jun 2011 United Kingdom Karma: 2
Say now you have a peice of music written in c major and you wanted, for example, a D sharp-which is the same as an E flat. How do you know when to write it down as a D sharp or an E flat? |
bluesguitar101 |
Joined: 23 Jan 2012 Netherlands  Lessons: 1 Karma: 5
I believe that you use sharps when going from low to high and flats when going the other way around, but I'm not really sure on this. |
Guitarslinger124 |
Joined: 25 Jul 2007 United States  Lessons: 12 Licks: 42 Karma: 38 Moderator
Domigan_Lefty |
Joined: 20 Sep 2009 United States Karma: 8
You would write it as sharp if you are going up a scale, or if the rest of the music is mainly sharp. And vice-versa.
So say the entire song is natural, and only one note is flat/sharp. Look at the note before it, if it is higher than that note, it will isually be sharp. If it is lower, it will usually be flat.
Say you have two sharp/flats, whichever you put as the first one, the second will usually be the same.
That is how I learned it.
Source: Lots of Jazz Guitar Theory and Sheet Music. A year of F-Horn Concert theory and Sheets. 5 years of Piano and theory.
Even though ive forgetten 90% of it all. |
devilchild |
Joined: 01 Jun 2011 United Kingdom Karma: 2
Thanks everyone. I get it now :) |
MoshZilla1016 |
Joined: 10 Jul 2010 United States  Lessons: 4 Licks: 19 Karma: 16
When writing scales you should never write with the same letter value twice in the scale. Take the C scale in all Major modes
C Ionian=C D E F G A B
C Dorian=C D Eb F G A Bb
C Phrygian=C Db Eb F G Ab Bb
C Lydian=C D E F# G A B
C Mixolydian=C D E F G A Bb
C Aolian=C D Eb F G Ab Bb
C Locrian=C Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb
This does not apply to any scales that contain more than 7 notes(diminished, BeBop, Chromatic......) |
JazzMaverick |
Joined: 28 Aug 2008 United Kingdom  Lessons: 24 Licks: 37 Karma: 47 Moderator
@ Mosh, that's not always the case man... accidentals for example...!
When obeying the rules, yes, that is how it should be, but he's not asking for the rules, he wanted to know about the accidentals.
@ GS, Thanks for sharing my lessons man. :) |
HotKoolaid |
if it's in a major scale it should be written as a sharp. |
FiniteZer0 |
Joined: 27 Jan 2010 United States  Lessons: 4 Karma: 1
What about these following major scales: F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, and Gb? ;]
OP, pretty much you would write in a sharp if you are moving up half a step and a flat if you are moving down half a step, regardless of the scale you are in.
For example let's say you are writing in Gminor, which consists of G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, and F. And you do not want to use a v-i (D F A to G Bb D) cadence but a V-i cadence, so you would raise the third in the v chord up half a step to make it a V chord. So now your cadence becomes V-i or D F# A to G Bb D.