I know this thread is a little outdated, but the issue discussed is always relevant and interesting ( what about your Hess-experience, Telecrater? It seems you never went back to tell us about it - or did you start another thread on the subject? )
I think that many of us have the same problem, that is, we can't afford a "real" teacher.
I've also tried the You Tube stuff but I don't do it anymore. First, the videos don't always have a proper quality. Second - and even more important - your practice risks being of no continuity. There's no overall plan to guide you through. A little here, a little there, a little everywhere. And you end up getting nowhere.
I think the best thing to do is to find a quality website with online guitar lessons. The best of them ain't free but I think they are worth the money. It's still only peanuts compared to the price of a "real" teacher. In addition on these quality sites you get the possibility of diving into a systematic overall practice plan to build up your skills. In case anyone in here should be interested I got some thorough reviews of some of them on my own website as a matter of fact.
If you are a beginner I would recommend Jamorama which is a splendid course with great ebooks as well as very fine video instructions.
I myself am a happy user of Guitar Tricks, the oldest online guitar lesson site on the web, but examine things for yourself. What is good for me isn't necessarily good for you.