league |
Joined: way back United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 10
Could anyone tell me if it is normal to try out Pawn gear before you buy? |
les_paul |
Joined: 14 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 3 Licks: 2 Karma: 11
I would try anything before you but it. I came across a nice looking Ibanez for $250 in a pawn shop and didn't buy it because the guy wouldn't let my try it out first. That just threw up a red flag for me. |
Notim |
Joined: 08 Dec 2007 United States Karma: 9
For sure!!!! I have found all kindas of gear at pawn shops and really cheap too! But alot of times theres junk but if you give them your name and number and tell them what you looking for or what you'll buy they allmost allways give ya a call at least they do for me!! |
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
Yes with used gear...Try Before You Buy!!!!!!!!
I used to work at a pawn shop and we always had equipment to try stuff out. My boss was always leary about letting some 13 year old try out and vintage Gibson but most they thime they should let you try it out first. I would not buy otherwise.
to any of you youngling out there...there is nothing wrong with being 13 but usually it means you don't have much money. |
EMB5490 |
Joined: 10 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 1 Licks: 1 Karma: 31
hey! im 13 hear, turning 14 in like 6 days. anyway hes kinda right, im not, but my friends are very distructive, and unless i was a professional or very good, and knew how to take care of it, i prob wouldnt trust some one my age. although ther are exceptions, i h8 wen older ppl think wer all retards, i h8 tht, and i start treating them like retards. anyway... i dont use pawn shops, i live in a middle/upper class place, so even if we do have pawn shops, which i dont know about, i dont use them |
league |
Joined: way back United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 10
I have actually scratched a couple of expensive guitars at Guitar Center and the employees gave me a dirty look. Anyways thank for the info. I wanted to buy this used 50 watt peavey (solid state) I guess I'll decide after I know the price. I'm going to audition for a band called In Bare Hands here in San Diego. Theyre not thrash but they will do for now. |
Notim |
Joined: 08 Dec 2007 United States Karma: 9
I agree tele |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
Sounds perfectly normal, man. Don't know why you WOULDN'T try it out. |
goodtunes |
Joined: 09 Feb 2008 United States Karma: 2
yeah definately try it out. well make sure all the knobs and switchs function well. since my relative short time here at this forum i have amassed a small stable of pawn shop and second hand guitars. at first i didnt try them out and i got kinda burned but not too bad. for instance one guitars volume knob doesnt function very well.
now when i go to a pawn shop and i see a guitar i tell them i need a cable to test this thing out. they expect everyone to test em out
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
oh so adding to the collection are you now goodtunes? anything new since the 7-string? |
goodtunes |
Joined: 09 Feb 2008 United States Karma: 2
oh man i got a wall covered in guitars. i went friggin looney with buying em. i am pretty much done though. except maybe a V shape would be nice. they mostly ones that i found at a good second hand price but then i started hanging em on the wall and thinking that looks kewl and asking myself which ones do i need next.
i dont feel like i deserve to own em all since i really cant play and i coming along slow since i havent been practing much, but oh well being single and middle aged has its advantages. i did pick up how to play bad moon rising by ccr recently. i will list the ones i got on that other thread about what guitars you got. and maybe post a picture some time.
league |
Joined: way back United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 10
Cool "WALL OF GUITARS" I wish I wasnt poor. Actually I really want a tube amp. |
Phip |
Joined: 23 Dec 2007 United States  Lessons: 1 Karma: 45 Moderator
league says: Cool "WALL OF GUITARS" I wish I wasnt poor. Actually I really want a tube amp.
make sure you find a stud if you're gonna hang that amp on the wall ;) |
les_paul |
Joined: 14 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 3 Licks: 2 Karma: 11
I have an uncontrollable impulse to buy guitars. I had three within the first two months of playing and I want another Epi les paul now looks a lot like lances just like mine but in a different color. |
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
I just visited the local pawn shop just up the street. checking out guitars and such and they had several guitars and prices seemed ok except for the basses. they had a rockbass by warrick at $450 and a fender jazz bass for $500. I went home and looked up both and that new price they are asking for.
I think i may go pawnshopping this weekend. |
GRX40 |
Joined: 20 Mar 2008 United States  Licks: 1 Karma: 2
Phip says: make sure you find a stud
I am a stud |
les_paul |
Joined: 14 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 3 Licks: 2 Karma: 11
lmao! That's funny |
goodtunes |
Joined: 09 Feb 2008 United States Karma: 2
yeah i had a mishap with one that fell off the wall it was one of the only 2 new ones i bought. it made me sick when i saw it. had no probs with the others so i figured all was kewl. it landed on the strap button and pushed it in at an angle and chipped the paint around it. al in all not too bad considering. but still a big time bummer. now i gonna go with a whole new hanging system. |
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
be careful of telecasters they have that weird head stock. Mine fell twice before I quit hanging it on the wall. |
ThePusher |
Joined: 19 Jan 2008 Canada  Lessons: 3 Karma: 3
telecrater no kidding I hung my uncles tele on a stand it fell and nearly smashed but I somehow grabbed it and kept it fom being damaged luckily he was out of town and I was looking after his son so we swore to secrecy about it |
TheUndying |
Joined: 23 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 2
it's not just the head stock that's weird on a tele |
league |
Joined: way back United States  Lessons: 2 Karma: 10
LOL Undying. Teles are awesome I cant stress it enough. Theyre good for Country, Rock,Punk and Metal. They are really fast and I think they look awesome. I may end up buying a pawnshop Telecaster. Also, Id like to add that not only U.S. Fenders are good. The Mexican ones are almost the same quality. Check out the vid on youtube. |
ThePusher |
Joined: 19 Jan 2008 Canada  Lessons: 3 Karma: 3
I love the feel of Tele's just it'll be awhile before I buy one because of the headstock though Jim Root is one of my fav metal guitarists and he plays on telecasters |
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