lance |
Joined: 03 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 1
new guy here. been playing about 6 months now and recently aquired a marshall AVT150H head and an 1989 jcm800 1960a lead cab w/matching original g12t-75's. in heavily toured condition. the head itself i made a few repairs(input & output jacks) i bought the head for $100 & cab for $200. tolex was fair to poor on both parts. i decided to re-wrap the head in black marine vinyl as i new it wouldn't really be worth anything,but friends have told me not to touch the cab and to leave it "as is" because it's a desireable cab. i'd like to re-wrap that also to match the head. i honestly could care less how desireable it is. i just appreciate the the sound quality when paired to that head. i don't plan on selling it anytime soon as i could never afford to buy one new.
les_paul |
Joined: 14 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 3 Licks: 2 Karma: 11
Welcome to the site. I'm kinda new to guitar also so I don't have any advice for you, just though I would say welcome.
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
do it. if you don't care then you should go forward and wrap the cab. your going to be getting the use out of it. or i suppose you could sell it, and maybe buy one is a little worse shape to match your new setup.
Do what you want your not really doing this for an investment are you? |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
Is it in desperate need for rewrapping? You could always put it off, and if you really want to do it at a later date. |
KicknGuitar |
Joined: 13 Dec 2007 Lessons: 6 Karma: 1
Hey man, it's yours. It is for your liking, your creation and your distruction.
If you plan on keeping it (which it sounds like) don't weorry about the tolex, you'll enjoy it more if YOU wear it down instead of buying it worn down. You got that for a steal too. Only 300 and you did minor repairs? I guess thats why it was so low, some people don't know how to solder, and thats all it takes!
Welcome to the forums, Sounds liek you'll be enjoying your amp for a while! Great find! |
lance |
Joined: 03 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 1
the cab is ok i guess. very large tears and pieces are missing on the
bottom and back. it actually doesn't look too bad from the front or sides.
the head really needed some love on the outside though.
here is the first pic i took of it setup after the head repairs.
i did cut off the top of the head in the pic so it didn't look too bad
this is a very high rez pic
this is how the head came out in vinyl
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
I actually like that grungey look, but I suppose you aren't showing us the worst of it.
It looks ok in vinyl... too smooth looking for my taste - but if yer ok with it then fair deal. |
KicknGuitar |
Joined: 13 Dec 2007 Lessons: 6 Karma: 1
Well now you can throw on some extra bucks if you ever sell it. |
tAUG |
Sweden  Posts: 137
IMO you should'nt do anything about it. It's cool when you see it's used. It's just a waste of money ;) Money you can buy other toys with!
tAUG |
soy.el.che |
Joined: way back Mexico  Lessons: 1 Karma: 9
go ahead.. i really dont have any experience with this |
Notim |
Joined: 08 Dec 2007 United States Karma: 9
TAUG said it all in a NUT shell |
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