Joined: way back United States Lessons: 2 Karma: 21
I decided to try something new and different... sorta like a new year's resolution thing.
I decided that i wanted to post online videos of riffs that i've been working on with an explanation of how to play them, and a tab so that others can learn them and build off of them. I feel like I"m pretty decent at writing riffs, but not full songs, so I guess this can help some people out.
So, here is the page, some feedback on this one would be awesome so that the next one can be better.
Lol you sound nervous XD You're like hmm what do I say to these idiots ... hmm....
Nice riff though sounds nice, a little piece of advice,
You might wanna work on your like chord changed when you go from like the higher strings to the lower strings and slide, you kinda have a little pause thing, try to work on that. Don't worry I have the same problem and its sucky, when you can play without those little half second stops, it can sound a lot better :)
Very good work though, humorous too lmao "Call it your own, I'm probably miles away and I can't get mad at you" lmfao nice :P
You should post this on UG,
Joined: way back United States Lessons: 2 Karma: 21
Haha :)
Yeah, that camera is just for a hobby... tho guitar started as a hobby :)
I'm gonna try to post like 4 or 5 within the next 2 weeks, and then slow down to one a week... just so i can build up a base to show people and let them pick whatever. So stay tuned!
I just recorded a rhythm piece, and this weekend I should be working on another fingerstyle piece.
Of course, I know a lot of you aren't acoustic players, but it's always good to expand your library.
That rhythm piece was awesome man i love that !
Who cares what those snotty little bastards think ? AS league said, they don't know anything about good music or guitar anyways.
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
Yeah what he said, plus your doing some are not. Your putting your self out there for the entire internet to see. I would say keep it up, the boogers will usually go away and you'll keep building a fan base and might inspire some future guitar players.