Hey, thanks for the listen guys!
thatguitarguy says:
The drums sounded great on this one. the only thing that got me was the first 7 minutes seemed a bit repetitive but that could just be me. Im use to opeth type songs of this length so There is a new thing every minute or so lol. It got better toward the end. I really liked that bit after the phone rings. good stuff man, Im looking forward to more.
I put a lot into making the drums as best I could, so I am glad they turned out alright!
The first seven minutes are a bit repetitive, well not to me, but I can see why you would say that. I tried to break it up with that really heavy cello, guitar harmonies, heavier bass lines and a more aggressive drum attack in the "second half" of the first seven minutes.
I do tend to back load my songs, that is to say, the most interesting stuff happens at the end. No real reason, I just like things to build from small to big.
MoshZilla1016 says:
but in a soundtrack context, movie or gaming, it's great since it builds to create several different emotions from the same piece.
I think macankanga described my music as visual not too long ago, and, though until then I never though of it that way, I think he is very right. So right that I forced myself to spend some time thinking over what it means to make visual music, or visually adaptive music, and I don't think macandkanga could've been anymore right. That being said, I suppose soundtracks is really what I am after. But perhaps not in the way one might think.
btimm says:
It's nice to hear in your tunes the influence of several genres though, it's not just straight metal ever. It's like metal, but with a hint of something else as well, lol.
Man, my influences come from every genre, I don't think the music we write has to be genre specific. In fact, if the intention is a certain genre you are already limiting yourself.