zenic |
i havent got a guitar yet but im thinking of learning but i dont know anything or whts a good but cheap guitar 2 buy or a good website to learn off or wht chords are and scale and stuff so i just wanted some advice or tips from u guys thanks very much |
deefa |
Joined: 22 Dec 2007 United Kingdom Karma: 8
Well, you've already found a good site to learn from! Regarding a guitar, I'd suggest a reasonably playable second hand acoustic to master the basics and decide whether or not it's really for you (most people who want to learn give up after a few weeks 'cause it hurts).
If you think you've found a good guitar that's in your price range, try and persuade someone you know who's a fairly competant guitarist to test it out for you. Good luck!
Paul |
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
For the site, you have come to right place what comes to learning :). On the top, you see very useful tools to start learning also lesson lesson section is worth to check it out.
Guitars and every other "equipment" are in same category. Cheap = Not good, Expensive = good. Ofcourse there are couple exeptions.
I would say squier strat is a good choice for beginner or if you have little more money, its worth to take middlerange guitar like Epiphone. It also depends what "fits" good in your hands, like I dont like LP's at all, it just dont fit me, but stratos and SG's are good for me. So I suggest you to go local store to have some testing :)
If ordering from internet is cool for you, I suggest to check out Thomann.de. I found it very good company with good prices.
Hope this gets you started :) and welcome to site.
Empirism |
tinyskateboard |
Joined: 28 Apr 2010 United States Karma: 11
A HSS strat ,used Squier, is an ideal choice. One humbucker and two single coils. What that means is you can play two different styles of pickups and see what works for you. Also referred to as a super strat sometimes.
My 2 cents. |
gx1327 |
Joined: 20 Sep 2009 United States Karma: 9
i always thought a super strat was an HH strat? and a SSH strat was a "fat strat"? either way...
the easiest thing to do is to borrow someone's guitar. everyone should know somebody who owns a guitar. even a cheap acoustic, or my first guitar, my brother's funky super cheap "classical" guitar -- a 17-fret guitar with nylon strings.
that is a good way to start. not that's expensive to buy your own, but this way you can "try before you buy".
2nd hand gear is a great way to go also. i prefer craigslist if you have it in your area. the musical instruments category is just full of starter guitar packs with and without small amps, most from people who "wanted to learn but didn't have time".
there you can find cheap acoustics from $50-125, cheap electrics from $80-200 (with or without amp depending on the seller).
IF you want to buy brand new, those manufacturer's starter packs aren't bad. my first guitar was a squier "fat strat" (or super strat?) in a package along with a nice starter amp, strap, picks, etc. for the money it was a very solid guitar. i've since sold it (on craigslist, for $100) and upgraded, but it was a good guitar to start off and learn with.
the squier is a brand that is owned by fender, but the "squier" name is sort of an off shoot, a sister company that makes TYPICALLY cheaper guitars of the same model. i.e. a squier stratocaster is cheaper and of lesser quality than a fender stratocaster. same with telecasters, basses, etc. i say TYPICALLY because squier does make some decent gear. look for the "AFFINITY" logo. this is the cheapest of the cheap. a squier affinity is very cheap, but not necessarily bad. just not as good.
if that makes sense. if you want to go the non-fender route, you can get an epiphone starter kit. epiphone is to gibson what squier is to fender. you can get a les paul style epiphone for a decent price compared to a name brand model.
ibanez also makes a starter guitar+amp kit. they make a strat style body and also their own RG style body i believe. |
tinyskateboard |
Joined: 28 Apr 2010 United States Karma: 11
Youknow gx1327, I belive that sounds right. Fat Strat. Yup. Either way I think it's a good idea to have both a single and a humbucker on one guitar, if it's both your only one and your first.
I don't agree though that a borrowed classical is the way to go if you are interested in playing electric. Playing electric allows you to start having fun sooner, imho. Having fun traslates into wanting to learn more rapidly.
You can buy a used Squier for $75 if you look every day on craigslist and probably sell it for the same in a year. I just looked and found an Affinity series for $60 with and amp included (no humbucker tho).
zenic |
ty guys but i actully dont get much of whats said up at the top i mean ive read some of the stuff and it just dont make sense to me and im 14 and i played with my class for the last 3 weeks of s2 my uncle is and expert guitarist hes played for 20 years well actully 2 of them have but i dont wanna ask them incase they say no >.> i may just be plain stupid and useless for guitar |
gx1327 |
Joined: 20 Sep 2009 United States Karma: 9
definitely ask your uncle. most likely he will be excited at the prospect of teaching you guitar. if i had a younger family member say "hey i want to learn how to play" i would get all fired up and do what i could to aid them and probably talk their ear off about stuff that is over their head. and heck i've only been playing for ~2 years. HAHA, definitely not an expert guitarist.
the one benefit that i got from using the classical guitar firsT (i'm not recommending a classical guitar, i'm just saying, borrow a loaner guitar first) is that it satisfied my buy-lust while giving me time to research guitar bodies and styles on my own. so instead of being like "i want a guitar NOW!" and running out and buying the first one i saw simply to have it, i HAD the guitar, and could do the research on the side. then after about 6 months of playing with that guitar i bought my electric.
but the loaner guitar was nice to have and to learn the CAGED system and intro to scales and the string names etc. before stepping up to the elctric.
but of course another very valid point is the $60 affinity w/ amp. that's not a lot of money, even for a 14 year old. i just saw an ibanez ART series (kind of like a PRS style body) w/ practice amp for $125 on my local CL. deals are all around. make sure you low ball them and then haggle them to a good price!! (man i love craigslist) |
zenic |
ty guys the acoustic seems really hard i went on thomann.de and there were loads of stuff so i went on guitars and basses and there was classical guitars, acoustic and semi acoustic basses, steel string i was wondering wich 1 2 go on for begginers?
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
I would suggest you start with classical guitars, there are different size guitars and if you wonder what could be then heres a little tips
Age_____________Height of Player___Size of Guitar
4-6 years old______3'3" to 3'9"_______1/4-Size
5-8 years old______3'10" to 4'5"______1/2-Size
8-11 years old_____4'6" to 4'11"______3/4-Size
11-Adult__________5' or taller_______4/4-Size
zenic |
do i really need to buy all the cleaning stuff and a capo and change strings every 2-4 months? |
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
when beginning guitar, basic cleaning will do the job and you dont need to buy all those fancy stuff. Strings are good to change regulary, but its not that much. I think if you buy 2-3 packs you practise quite long with them.
String change could be a tricky first time so it could be good if you ask somebody to show you the basics, like your uncle forexample. |
zenic |
ty um 1 more thing i know ill probably learn this on the way but wht do all the signs mean on tab like i just say 7h5 and what do the chords look like and what strings 2 play to make the chord sound cause in school u dont strum all 6 strings on some chords they say and some other usfull stuff any website would do ty |
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
7h5 means you pick a chosen string on 7th fret and "hammer on" to 5th string, which is like tapping 5th fret with your finger without picking the string.
check this out too.
http://www.all-guitar-chords.com/lesson.php?id=99 |
zenic |
im thinking of buying the thomann classic s
would this be ok for begginers?
and for every major chord do u strike all 6 strings and minor only 5 or am i just going crazy ? lol |
nullnaught |
Joined: 05 Jun 2010 Karma: 22
NO, you dont always strum six strings. Minor and major chordes are made of 3 different notes. I hope this helps. |