Metal music and the (FOOLISH) metalheads theories |
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wiliamfret |
Joined: 18 Aug 2011 Egypt Karma: 7
Well i was surfing facebook the other day and i found a page called Metal memes, there was funny pics over there and all those cool stuff , but i can't believe how upset i was after looking up this page , 90% of 'em are just listening to metal and wearing their stuff because they just don't want to be like ordinary people who listen to ordinary music , i want to figure out whats the point in listening to ((((Noise)))) Lamb of god is noise meshuggah is noise , maybe people out there like it for certain purpose , but the metal i know is the real pure metal such as Ronnie james dio , Metallica.... which don't infect you with headaches, and regardless the noise, they keep insulting and making fun of metal bands who aren't so heavy like black veil brides and bullet for my valentine, i just want to know why do they show that they are violent, from 4 years ago when i started listening to metal i used to listen to very heavy stuff like lamb of god and such bands but i didn't realy like it, there was something forcing me to do so , it was just the appearance not the music ( btw i have nothing against those bands its just the fact that some people who don't realy like their music listen them for just being a cool violent metalheads ), what do you think ?, why do they do this ? and btw i also have lots of friends and people i know are just like this its just the appearance not the music .......... |
Jkshoe |
Joined: 15 Mar 2012 United States  Licks: 1 Karma: 1
I saw Meshuggah back in February. I'm not going to say that it wasn't an impressive set.
It was.
But it was almost an hour and a half. And very repetitive, in my opinion
I had to pee about an hour in, so I went and did that.
Just kinda hug out in the wings afterwards, wasn't worth working my way back through the crowd to get back to "my" spot.
There was this chick that kept giving me furtive glances from across the lobby but I just stood there like a jackass, pretending to clean my nails or something.
A little slice of my life that you probably didn't care or need to know about.
I forgot where I was going with this whole thing.
I'm not a fan of metal, personally.
I respect it as a genre, the musicians have a lot of talent.
The fans are hit or miss. |
btimm |
Joined: 14 Dec 2009 United States  Lessons: 2 Licks: 1 Karma: 16
It's noise to you, but not noise to everyone. Every person should be able to listen to whatever they enjoy without ridicule. If you like Between the Buried and Me, more power to you. If williamfreet wants to listen to Justin Bieber, hey, have at it. I don't see the point of this thread at all. |
thatguitarguy |
Joined: 24 Aug 2010 United States  Lessons: 1 Karma: 12
I personally like to listen to bands like lamb of god or between the buried and me because a.) their lyrics usually follow a theme and are well put together (for the most part). and b.) the raw energy that that kind of music gives off is my kind of thing.
it really does all come down to preference though. This idea of metal heads all just wanting to be different just for the sake of being different seams very silly to me. |
wiliamfret |
Joined: 18 Aug 2011 Egypt Karma: 7
You guys know that you are not meant by those (foolish metalheads) i didn't say metalheads in general , you guys have different situations you play guitar so you may be interested in those heavy riffs, what i mean is that there is some people out there ruining the metalheads thing, example here in the middle east most of the people who listen to metal are just pretending to, maybe they like it maybe im wrong, and, hell yeah!!! i like heavy metal , i mentioned above that i have nothing against neither those bands nor the genre ,but im just curious about their attitudes
@Btimm the point of this thread is if those people do listen to heavy metal cause they like it then what does those pics have to do with music ??!/photo.php?fbid=593713627324376&set=o.284147694964978&type=1&permPage=1!/photo.php?fbid=10151500647977783&set=o.284147694964978&type=1&permPage=1
what does this * have to do with music ?? you know what forget about it i was just annoyed of those people but now i no longer care they can do what ever they want to ... |
wiliamfret |
Joined: 18 Aug 2011 Egypt Karma: 7
@That guitar guy , Metal is great i personally listen to metal while studying, running , before sleeping , in my car , i repeat its not the genre or the bands, its just some people out here in the middle east who are annoying as hell, they just have mental problems so forget about it, its just a discussion guys , all those things you said don't have to do anything with what i mean , i listen to metal alot but i don't like calling myself a metalhead, cause calling someone a metalhead is more like a life style not just a musical genre |
thatguitarguy |
Joined: 24 Aug 2010 United States  Lessons: 1 Karma: 12
Oh I see. You are talking only about posers. Yeah, I see a few of them now and then. I tend to ignor them lol.
DarkRiff |
Joined: 18 Mar 2008 United States  Licks: 2 Karma: 12
Those "posers" only like metal because It makes them feel accepted. Many people join groups and even religions just so they can feel "accepted". I never liked Lamb of God or any type of metal that was based around pure aggression and screaming (Which is why many modern metal bands sound so similar). I need to know the singer can at least sing in a good "clean" voice and I need to know the band can provide a good melody. Many modern bands fail to do that or overdo that. But you can find good modern metal/hard rock bands though. Check out Ghost, Graveyard, The Sword, Black Bonzo, Beardfish (most are Swedish, they definitely know how to rock). But don't ever feel forced to like certain music to feel accepted somewhere. Find bands that you truly like and support them. Anyways I'll stop now because I feel like I'm rambling a bit. |
macandkanga |
Joined: 03 Oct 2008 United States Karma: 21
People listen to all kinds of music for all kinds of reasons. We are all free to do that. I myself used to get upset with people and the music they liked and would make all sorts of accusations about them and never for any good reasons. Then, I grew up. Don't get me wrong. I still get aggravated with JB fans and the like. Mostly, I get aggravated at them for fun. It's not good though. As you get older, you stop trying to figure out people and what they do and why. Life gets shorter and important things become more important. Less important things become less important. Music is an expression. The music people listen to is also an expression of themselves. I guess my whole point is sometimes we just don't like what they are expressing. |
nullnaught |
Joined: 05 Jun 2010 Karma: 22
I used to think people who listened to opera were pretentious snobs. But that was because I couldn't understand what people got out of it.
I don't think that anymore and now I like opera very much. |
wiliamfret |
Joined: 18 Aug 2011 Egypt Karma: 7
@that guitar guy !!! damn man (( POSERS )) is the word i was looking for
@Dark riff you aren't rambling at all, all what you said is 100% correct
@Nullnaught the picture you are putting looks like singing some opera
( well that was a little bad joke of me )
macandkanga |
Joined: 03 Oct 2008 United States Karma: 21
DarkRiff |
Joined: 18 Mar 2008 United States  Licks: 2 Karma: 12
I saw that the other day and thought of this thread. haha |
thatguitarguy |
Joined: 24 Aug 2010 United States  Lessons: 1 Karma: 12
I would go see a band called Regis and the Feldman lol |
Crescendo2020 |
Joined: 06 Feb 2013 United States  Licks: -2 Karma: 2
This book offers a really unique and scientific perspective on music and social behavior relative to music.
The author breaks the ideas down to such a degree, that it can be a difficult read, but I'm not sure that someone could answer your question more thoroughly than him. |