neomass1 | 13 Jun 2011 23:29 | Quote> |
I was looking into a way to fix my problem, and what is most peoples problems when it comes to singing. A raised larynx, If you don't know what that is its around your Adams apple its the thing that goes up or down. From what I can understand its not a bad thing for this to move a bit when singing, but more then 1/2 inch you have a problem. Your larynx can put a big strain on your voice, some people get past this by simply strengthening their voice. Most just end up damaging there voice, some people like that. Lets see that last when your 40 or 50, and when you sing or talk no one understands you. Anyway I have been looking into a way to help fix it, most people tell me to find professional help. I will, but right now I need to do what I can. This video explains some of the ways to really get into it, and not just fix this problem but help you really extend your range. |