GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
How can I remove this:
Torjan horse from my computer?
I got a bunch of crap on my computer by trying to download something and it brings up a bunch of sites that I don't want to see. It is annoying too.
I am sorry for this being off topic but you guys here are very smart |
mattmurray |
Joined: 18 Sep 2007 United States Karma: 5
If you have tried to delete it and cant, download this program called KillBox, . It force-deletes files off of your computer even if they are being used, you just put in the path and away you go. If that doesn't work try downloading AVG antivirus and running it... Otherwise back your stuff up and reformat. |
EMB5490 |
Joined: 10 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 1 Licks: 1 Karma: 31
ahhh, i had tht, its very bad and i got it off, the reason u have this is u porb dont have or have an updated firewall, or anti virus program, call a local comp guy and get him to dowload one, dont DO NOT buy or download one off the internet, somtimes even the ones u pay for are viruses, and in my case ther was one pooping up, it was causeing the virus... |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
I've learned that the hard way with my last computer.
It was even stuff that like Windows told me to download, and it all sucked, and I ran my virus on it and it found lots of spyware and crap from it. o.O |
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
Well, like EMB said...your firewall failed (if any).
If you dont have one, I suggest Comodo firewall (free)
also anti spyware & virus softwares are highly recommended.
ps. In my opinion Firewall is more important than virus killers or spyware cleaners, even those too are needed.
mattmurray |
Joined: 18 Sep 2007 United States Karma: 5
trojan virii open up ports on your computer so others can gain access to your computer, firewalls block them off... so if it is in fact a trojan a firewall might prevent access to your computer but it still is a good idea to get some type of anti virus to entirely get rid of it |
EMB5490 |
Joined: 10 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 1 Licks: 1 Karma: 31
call a comp tech, just spend the money and get it over with, its worth it. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Thank you guys
I am so going to look for a firefall, I didn't realize it but I don't think I have one. I only have antivirus and spyware stuff o.O |
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
Hey GB are you running XP sp2 or higher? if not then upgrade. XP SP2 has a built in firewall that pretty much sucks but it's better than nothing. usualy .dll files are tied to .exe files. the .exe what could be more of an issue.
definitely get AVG or some other anti-virus app. also get an anti-spy ware such as spybot and ad-aware or both. run avg daily and the others at least once a week.
with the issue you have now, there are some things you can do. first check the task manager to see if it's running in the background. if it is kill it then see if you can delete it. if you can't then try booting into (reboot and keep pressing F8 when it's staring back up) safe mode and see if you can delete it then.
If that does not help go to start -> run -> msconfig look at the start up list and see if there is anything that should not be there. if there is unchecked. see if its still running?
now if it's not running in safe mode but is running in regual mode check the run once section of the registry. see
also check the startup folder in the start -> program files.
once you think you have it fixed you can always run netstat (start -> run -> cmd then ok. at the dos prompt run netstat -b
this will show what programs are connecting to the internet what ports they are using, and what the executable is.
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Thanks tele.
I am using Windows Vista. Norton came with it but I got rid of it after downloading avast antivirus. That is the best one ive used so far.
AVG was okay but I do prever Avast.
I used Windows Defender and Quarantined it but I don't know if that necessarily means that it is dead.
Anyways I am downloading spybot now and I am gonna scan my computer and see what that one picks up.
Can anyone recommend a good free firewall to me please?
Again, thank you, all of you ;D |
goodtunes |
Joined: 09 Feb 2008 United States Karma: 2
GB when i had XP i used avast,spy-bot,ad-aware, and zonealarm.
as soon as i got new this comp with vista i downloaded and installed zonealarm but it crashed as it was not compatible with vista. hopefully they got it worked out now. this post has reminded me to try it again. or i might try out the one empirism recommended. i using avg now too instead of avast no reason for that one.
empirisim how long you used that one? i used zonealarm for a long time and it always got good reviews and i dont remeber having issues with it until vista came out. |
foogered |
Joined: 30 Apr 2008 United States  Lessons: 2 Licks: 11 Karma: 9
Get a mac. Problem solved. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Yeah cause there are like no viruses for Mac hardly.
I have a CD of Ubuntu (I think Linux makes it?)
I wonder if that would be better |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
Ad-Aware seems to be a decent whatever the hell it is.
MAC: I'm a Mac
PC: I'm a PC
MAC: I like surfing the web for pr0n.
PC: I like maintaining the websites that host pr0n.
MAC: I like looking at pictures and shit.
PC: I like coding the HTML that allows you to look at pictures and shit.
MAC: I wish I could be a real operating system.
PC: Yes you do. |
goodtunes |
Joined: 09 Feb 2008 United States Karma: 2
empirism: just downloaded and installed comodo. seems like a real nice program i really like the feature that list all the current connections. thanx for the heads up. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Yes thanks for mentioning it. It seems like a really good program, I got rid of another threat with it too.
lol |
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
Np m8, nice you have stuff workin again.
Ive been using comodo for about an 2 years now, never had any problems with that. In PC magazine leak tests it was only firewall that passed all the leak tests. Not even commercial ones did the same. |
foogered |
Joined: 30 Apr 2008 United States  Lessons: 2 Licks: 11 Karma: 9
I've heard the Ubuntu is a pain to work with, but as for viruses, I don't know.
I don't know where you get the idea that Macs are any less capable of generating and maintaining web pages. In fact, I'd say that Apple makes it pretty easy. But if you wanted to get really advanced you could always get DreamWeaver, which is compatible with both Mac and Windows. |
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
GB, with as much trouble as you have been having I don't think your quite ready for Ubuntu. comodo is a good firewall but with all the memory leaking problems with windows os's especially with firewall. You have to reboot your computer form time to time. |
GRX40 |
Joined: 20 Mar 2008 United States  Licks: 1 Karma: 2
foogered says: I don't know where you get the idea that Macs are any less capable of generating and maintaining web pages.
I agree, on Apple they give you Apache, which is like a free server that they let you host your site on. You just drag all your HTML files to your public folder, then change your preferences to "share", and your site is on the internet.
I'm not a computer genius, so that's easy enough for me.
But if you really want to have a huge website/server, use Linux. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Okay, guys, I have another problem type thing...
Whenever I start up my computer, every time, it says like:
Could not start C:\Windows\system32\urqQjjgh.dll because the selected module could not be found"
Something like that.
I think it is still in my computer. What now?!
I scanned with Spybot, Comodo, Ad Aware, and Avast! ffs! |
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
It means that spyware or trojan is not completely removed from the system. File is maybe removed, but windows registry try to use it. I think you could try registry cleaner for that. RegClean is quite good free registry cleaner. Always take backup from registry if program suggest it.
hope this help. I have now very little time, but when i have ill check what that thing is and post here solution.
For me comodo with latest updates do not have memory leaks, norton did more. |
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
yeah your computer wants to start something up as part of the star process and it cannot be found. I'm not sure if vista has the msconfig but if it does you can see if something in there is trying to start it. |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
I know, foog. I use Dreamweaver myself.
Generally, people who use Mac's are douchebags, and people who use PC's are nerds (smart nerds). |
GRX40 |
Joined: 20 Mar 2008 United States  Licks: 1 Karma: 2
Skold says: Generally, people who use Mac's are douchebags, and people who use PC's are nerds (smart nerds).
I use both so I guess I am a douche-nerd. But I do agree that some Mac people seem to be elitist. |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
Example of a Douche-nerd: Yo, brother, Check out of new Polo and D&G pendant! It's NEETO! |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Kay well I disabled some rundll things that looked kinda foreign/weird to me so I will restart it and see what happens.
With a Registry cleaner I may need one of you to walk me through on how to properly use it... i really fucked up my other computer once by using one improperly.
And lol @ GRX
EDIT: ----------------------------------------------------------
Okay so I restarted my computer after disabling those RunDLL things, and whattaya know! I didn't get that error message. Thank you for sharing that about the MSConfig :D |
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
I think Mac users think they have evolved in the computing world to the point where where they are better than the PC users as they stick their nose up in the air. And in most cases deserve this right after paying a small fortune on a computer that will be obsolete in a few years. (yes i know they tell me mac's hold their value but come on 5 years later it's still a 5 year old computer)
Linux users are real nerds and truly have evolved to a different level of computing. but they don't stick their nose up at you, they help you to evolve as well. like a mother nurturing it's child.
Then there is the PC user, well they just compute and use the computer. if it brakes they try and fix it. they are pushing the boundary of the computer by trying different things because well it's there.
the true colors show when someting breakes or is not working....
The PC user will ask his/her PC friends or look for answers on their own.
The Linux will find answer or compile a new kernel to fix the computer
The Mac user will blame all their problems on the PC and Microsoft and receive no support form apple. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Uhh, why does my computer keep doing an automatic file backup every time I start my computer up?
It always fails to do it too...
How do I shut that off? >.<
That thing is still there.
I know because just a second ago my internet opened a new tab by itself and it brought me to some kinda quiz site for a supposed free ipod.
This thing really has to go. |
foogered |
Joined: 30 Apr 2008 United States  Lessons: 2 Licks: 11 Karma: 9
Telecrater, I don't mean to be rude, but you sound like you have no clue what you're talking about. I personally, have nothing against PC or Linux (which in fact had a lot of "Mac" functions before Macs did), and neither does anybody I know that owns a Mac. People like you who assume the worst in Mac users really rub me the wrong way. Just because commercials for our computer and operating system of choice tend to put down your computer or operating system of choice, doesn't mean that kind of attitude is reflected by the users.
And for your information, Apple has excellent customer service from my experience. EVERY company has incidents that really just make you sick, and unfortunately those are the ones that are the most widely publicized.
Get a clue bud.
Man, now this topic has two completely different tangents. :P |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
We never said it had anything to do with the commercials. |
foogered |
Joined: 30 Apr 2008 United States  Lessons: 2 Licks: 11 Karma: 9
I know, I was merely giving one example, and I guess I got a little frazzled. That post was just completely ignorant in my opinion.
My response to GuitarBoy's question, though joking since I didn't expect him to go out and buy a whole new computer and operating system, would indeed be one possible solution. Mac's do tend to have less trouble with viruses. However, I don't think this is because of any superior Mac anti-virus software or firewall, but just because Mac's don't get as much attention, and aren't as widely used in workplaces and corporations. |
telecrater |
Joined: 13 Jan 2008 United States  Lessons: 8 Karma: 13
I just deleted my latest hissy fit.
I work support in a multi platform environment so I'm jaded with ignorant people, who do not listen. I'll not contribute any more to the the mac vs. pc fight. and I'd go Linux if they made a driver for my sound card :) there i go again
GB let me check some things at work and get back you you about the installer thing. email me some screen shots or something
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
foogered says: Mac's do tend to have less trouble with viruses. However, I don't think this is because of any superior Mac anti-virus software or firewall, but just because Mac's don't get as much attention, and aren't as widely used in workplaces and corporations.
Exactly what my father said.
I will try, whenever the virus thinger "functions" again, if you get what I'm saying.
There is SOMETHING there that is opening up random sites, no clue what it is, but it's there man. Maybe it's not the thing I listed in the first post of the thread, because that apparently is gone.
I took Mattmurray's suggestion and tried Killbox (hesitated, but gave in) and it didn't give me any viruses, it seems pretty decent actually to kill things. |
Skold |
Joined: 14 Mar 2008 United States Karma: 3
I don't think the fight is between PC and Mac. I think it's between Firefox and Internet Explorer (Firefox > All). |
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
I think i must end this little fight between pc and mac & linux & stuff :D
here's couple facts:
Mac is almost as good as PC, But where Mac is best, it is it's Graphical performance.
Linux operating system is very good at servers, but in home users that is around 3 years behind windows, depends on usage, but general.
PC without operating system is not a bad computer, isnt it? its fast, its powerful in anyway. Its audio and graphical possibilities are very good. With windows its takes 1st place, cuz its most versatile compared to other computers.
I use PC and windows Just that because its audio cababilities are imo best of all possible choices. What computer or OS is best, depends on user on other side of the keyboard.
...oh shit...ill didnt ended it xD
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Okay. I think I'm screwed.
@tele, nevermind the second message I send you, I don't know how but there is no restore point left anymore ; /
When I got this compouter, brand new, windows vista was already installed on it without a disk. If I format it, without a disk, will Vista somehow remain on the computer? I really can't live with this thing anymore cause it opens up explicit sites too, you know what I'm talking about. My parents would get the wrong idea. >. |
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
If you format your drive, you must take that computer to where you bought it and they install vista again, cuz you dont have the install DvD. Nowadays all the major supliers, HP and others do not give Vista install DvDs when you buy computer. If you ask me, its frigin sucks.
anyway. If your Vista have sp1 on it, you can make Vista Installation or recovery DVD's from vista OS. Nonetheless, this should be done immediately when you buy that computer. |
GuitarBoy666 |
Joined: 20 Dec 2007 Canada Karma: 2
Thanks Empirism,
Yeah it's really stupid, we should have a DVD for it.
Mine is an Acer.
I will try to find a way to backup my Vista to a DVD I have here.
And see if it will work.. then I will format it and re-install it.
However, that's only if it works the way I plan it to.
EDIT: ------------------------------------------------------------
Okay so I went to "Computer" and clicked on "ACER (C:)" and I searched up "Vista" in the search bar. I got results in the computer and the biggest one (258MB in size) was something called "EnterWW" and it was a WinRAR Archive File. Is that the OS file?
I know that if I copy this shit to a DVD I am gonna copy EVERYTHING that appeared with Vista to it.
How do I know this is gonna work though?
Is there a way to test this out in some way? |
Empirism |
Joined: 23 Jun 2008 Finland  Lessons: 4 Karma: 35
Click the window icon -> all programs -> pc help -> tools and recovery disc creation, it will only allow you to create these discs one time, make sure you have 2 dvds to do it with, anything else will take more disc and longer time.
Hope this helps, cuz I use XP and I just cant remember exactly how it went on vista :D |