So I made a cool sounding progression that goes like:
E5, Cmaj, Gmaj, D
But what scale should I put over as a lead?
I tried the chords to scale tool but there are too many scales to know what would sound good.
I found a nice sounding thing from A maj but it's only a small little part.
Would it sound bad if you use 2 or more different scales (say, A Maj, and A Pentatonic, etc.) in a solo/lead?
Joined: 20 Mar 2008 United States Licks: 1 Karma: 2
What kind of sound are you going for here? Like are you trying to do metal song? Since then I would try E Natural Minor (same as E Melodic Minor Descending). You could also try G Major.
Speaking of the song,
Here is what I recorded and I want everyone's honest feedback,
I will put it here cause there is no point in making a thread for it.