It's a side-project I'm doing with another one-man band (Shaun, of "The Zeika Pulse"). Shaun provides lead vocals and synthesizers, I provide guitars, bass, backing vocals, and program the drum machine.
The song is just a rough demo of an EP we're creating.
Joined: 18 May 2008 United States Lessons: 2 Licks: 5 Karma: 1
I will be totally honest. Here is my thought through the song:
Okay... I think that guitar could be mixed in a little more but not bad.
Wtf fuck is that, is that a mix from some random album just being played over?
Oh, thank god it's gone.
Good stuff, But what happened to the other instruments?
All in all, not bad, but what the hell was the speech or what ever, is sounded really blurry and random... Also, the keyboards are really loud. :P
Joined: 23 Dec 2007 United States Lessons: 1 Karma: 45 Moderator
Yikes Skold that's magnificent use of imagination and mixing. is this all original playing and vocal tracks? Are you borrowing tracks from other artists?
As we used to say in the old neighborhood.....
Fuckin' A
Joined: 04 Jan 2007 United Kingdom Licks: 1 Karma: 11 Moderator
It's pretty cool, sounds a little bit like The Crystal Method. I can't hear the guitar though, unless the main lead part is guitar rather than synthesizer.
"metal fans need apply" makes it sound like it's a metal song! I was suddenly expecting a massive downtuned riff to burst in, Limp Bizkit style!