Joined: 10 Feb 2008 United States  Lessons: 1 Licks: 1 Karma: 31
just one question, what kind of music do u play/would like to play.
i have the vox ad15vt-xl. love it. im not so gr8 at making the clean sound too good, but im not good with tht kind of stuff, its 15 watt, u can get a 30 watt. its 250 for the 15 xl, 200 for the 15 no xl. 300 for 30 xl, 250 for reg 30. the diff is the xl is newer with a new effect. the distortion is excellent, and the more u crank it, the better it sounds. one complaint is tht i cant get the clean to sound good, sounds klike somthings missing, but i think thts cause i have the settings wrong. u can choose from 11 diff amps to play outta. from glass (completety clean) to damaged (complete distoriton). and everything inbetween. it takes time getting used to, but is a gr8 amp. go 2 my youtube channel wareaglebabe11 to hear what it sounds like, im not too good, but i think u can hear how it sounds from tht. its a partiall tube amp, not technically tho, although it has the quality of one.
some other amps id check out (depending on the type of music u play) for lets say under $500 american, just putting a middle line price, high for a biginner. peavy's are good, i liked one hartke, but it was 100 watt, i thought it was good. some amps to stay away from are line 6, i feel ther overpriced, and ppl on here agree, the effects arent too gr8. dont get marshall mg's. bbaaaad distortion. i mean really bad, u gotta turn it all the way up to start to hear it. fenders are gr8 amps, but are very expensive. |