Mezzie |
Joined: 01 Aug 2010 Canada  Licks: 3 Karma: 4
I haven't been in this forum for like a year! lol Anyway, i have what I THINK is a beautiful intro to this song i am TRYING to write. I've written like 3 different verses for it but then i can't get any further, and the verses i wrote didn't seem so great anymore the next day when i red them over... ugh i thought music was easy!?,i guess it is for an open mind lol. So i am thinking about writing it more like a poem than a song (Ya,ya a song is a poem... i know, i know) but i thought maybe it would be easier. Right now i am trying to write lyrics while strummin me geetar, and hey i get a verse done! :P But maybe that would get me more in the mindset of writing it like a poem. What do u guyz think?
And how do you guyz write lyricz? And info would be great!
The mezziest of all mezzes, Mezzie |
Guitarslinger124 |
Joined: 25 Jul 2007 United States  Lessons: 12 Licks: 42 Karma: 38 Moderator
Well, no offense intended, but unless you are writing a rap, "lyricz" is spelled with an "s"... lyrics.
I have always found it easiest to write lyrics prior to writing to writing the song. This way, I already have the emotion I really want to express down on paper. Since I already know generally how I want the song to sound, it is, most of the time, all to easy to write a simple melody to start with that fits my lyrics.
Once you have that simple melody down, just elaborate on it until you get the sound you like.
Just my take.
Rock on! |
neomass1 |
Joined: 10 Apr 2010 United States Karma: 11
I can't tell you how to write, that is something we all have to find in our self.
I can tell you how I write, and maybe you can put it to the test. I will make a post about song writing and you can read that ok? |
gshredder2112 |
Joined: 03 Sep 2010 United States  Licks: 3 Karma: 22
Must have rhythm guitar,then lyrics,then bass and drums,keys,then lead.Thats how i roll homedawgz,And a nice quiet room with Your favorite drink,book,Maybe some old pictures that eill inspire something cool idk.
gs2112 |
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