rex013090 |
Philippines  Posts: 37
ei guys...just wanna ask if your making a lead on a song your going to base your lead on a scale ryt? but i'm confused what about if my chords are D-Bm-C-A all in the g Key am i going to use the g maj scale or other scales...??? |
rex013090 |
Philippines  Posts: 37
another thing have you heard about this band called lovex??? i think they really sound cool..!!! hehehe |
cptnshredemfrets |
United States  Posts: 14
you could use the g major scale II postion of the e minor pentatonic. or the d major II postion of b minor pentatonic, that is if you want to make it in major. You could use b minor pentatonic if you want to make it minor/blues feel to it. if you added at least one sharp somehow, you could make it a different key by using the circle of fifths. |
Afro_Raven |
Joined: way back United Kingdom  Lessons: 1 Karma: 20 Moderator
I could give you an incredibly long lesson in answer to your question, but haven't got the time at the moment. I imagine that A chord at the end of the progression sounds a bit weird, but hey it's your song!
You are correct in saying you should use the Gmajor scale, but more directly, the modes from Gmajor. I won't explain them all now, there'll be a very clever person reading this who can do that instead!
Here's what you can play:
Dmaj chord: D Mixolydian
Bmin chord: B Phrygian
Cmaj chord: C Lydian
Amaj chord: A Ionian/A Dorian (anyone else reading this who knows, Amaj doesn't fit into Gmajor so scale is debatable-please do tell!)
Use the 'guitar scales' tool at the top of the page.
Afro |
Afro_Raven |
Joined: way back United Kingdom  Lessons: 1 Karma: 20 Moderator
Having just tried out that progression on the Jam Machine everything I said in the last post could well be wrong! Please help?
Afro |
rex013090 |
Philippines  Posts: 37
thanx guys!!! you helped me alot!!! ei if you have time please check out this band,,wolfgang its from the philippines, they sound coll!!! most of their songs have an englis version..!! check it out guys!!! and thanx again for your help!!!! ^^ |
blackholesun |
Joined: 04 Jan 2007 United Kingdom  Licks: 1 Karma: 11 Moderator
none of the chords are G, so are you sure the key is G? |
zmazz |
United States  Posts: 94
You are right. there's no G chord, but C (CEG), D(DF#A) and Bm(BDF#) have the notes found in G major scale. A(AC#E) is a little out of whack because it has a major third (C#). Try using G major scale/ ionian mode for D, Bm, and C and the when u r in A, use the major scale but use minor third instead of major 3rd.. i dont know how it will sound but just give it a go. maybe it will sound good. |
mightydave |
Joined: way back Belgium Karma: 2
i think it's just in D major with the C beeing a bVII chord, it's used sometimes to replace the VIIth diminished chord :)
gl |
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