owensp | 14 Oct 2008 22:00 | Quote> |
my friend gave me a sheet with this on it: ionian maj7 dorian m7 phrygian minor lydian maj7 mixolydian dom7 aeolian minor locrian m7b5 it has the modes on the left. on the right is the type of chord you should use when you are in a certain key. example if you are in C and you want a chord progression that will work with the modes of C you can only use any of the following chords(in any order and position depending on your chord progression):C Dm7 Em Fmaj7 Gdom7 Am and Bm7b5 what I am wondering is: first of all what is a dom7 chord? and how do you make one? what are the fingering patters for it? after Ionian why does it say maj7 instead of just maj? isnt the ionian mode just the major scale? is maj7 the same as saying just 7? eg is Cmaj7 the same chord as C7? |