Jeremy_Langford |
United States  Posts: 26
Sorry guys. I used to know tons of music theory and would be answering newbie questions in this forum. But then I got into photography and pretty much stopped with music. I need to re-learn everything. But heres a question.
I started a song with a C-maj7, then I slide up to a D-maj7.
The notes for the C are CEGB
The notes for the D are ADF#G#
what key am i playing in? Im confused because its 8 notes.
mightydave |
Joined: way back Belgium Karma: 2
probably a change from c major to D major , not really in one scale i guess ...
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
I think your're in G major. |
gstringpicker333 |
Posts: 1
im not sure if its a typo or not but the notes in a D Major7 are D,F#,A,C#. There is no G# in a DMajor7. The G# is the tri-tone of D. |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
Yeah, he's right. Erm... check your notes again. |
Jeremy_Langford |
United States  Posts: 26
Sorry typo.
So what key is a CMaj7 (CEGB)
and a DMaj7 (ADF#C#) in?
Because it is 8 notes, does it have to be a key change? |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
Bmajor maybe? I think. |
Guitarslinger124 |
Joined: 25 Jul 2007 United States  Lessons: 12 Licks: 42 Karma: 38 Moderator
you could play the ichikosuacho scale with those notes...thatd'd be in the key of G... |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
I doubt that'd the answer he's after somehow... |
Jeremy_Langford |
United States  Posts: 26
B major has no A,C, D, or G.
Come on guys. Tell me what key (or 2 keys) my chord progression is in. |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
I'm sure it has some of those notes in... but actually I though't you'd changed a chord for some reason..
Actually... if it's in two keys it's not in any key. You're not in key if the key switches every chord... |
Guitarslinger124 |
Joined: 25 Jul 2007 United States  Lessons: 12 Licks: 42 Karma: 38 Moderator
pretty sure you're in G major dude...just like i said before... |
Guitarslinger124 |
Joined: 25 Jul 2007 United States  Lessons: 12 Licks: 42 Karma: 38 Moderator
@doz- you should look into some jazz'll find that there are common keys and common chords...just a suggestion based on what you said... |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
You mean about me saying that it's not in key in if the key changed at every chord? I know that chords can be in more than one key... but he mentions a key change up there somewhere, and only mentioned two chords...
...and I also said he was in G Major - he didn't seem to take any notice. |
Guitarslinger124 |
Joined: 25 Jul 2007 United States  Lessons: 12 Licks: 42 Karma: 38 Moderator
oh...well i agree with you-im pretty sure its in G major... |
Jeremy_Langford |
United States  Posts: 26
cmon guys. Can't you read the notes I posted. There is no C# in the key of G.
The notes are:
CMaj7 (CEGB)
and a DMaj7 (ADF#C#).
I plan on adding more chords to this progression. I just want to know what key or 2 keys this is in.
I thought u guys were theory geniuses. |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
Firstly, why would you think we were 'theory geniuses'? We're just a bunch of people ranging from non-skilled to skilled, from starter to theory genius on a forum talking about guitar. You can't expect us to be better than you are... which leads on to my second point...
Why not just do it yourself? All this 'come on guys' is annoying, like we're supposed to produce for you when you're obviously as good as us. That's just lazy.
Jeremy_Langford |
United States  Posts: 26
Cause I have no idea how to figure this out. |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
Well, I tried it out and it sounds odd. The kind of odd that might mean they might not be in a key with eachover.
...and if they're in two keys then what's the point in us telling you that. As I said further up... if you change the key on every chord (and you are AS FAR AS WE KNOW, since you only mentioned two chords) then you aren't in a Key. |
Jeremy_Langford |
United States  Posts: 26
Right. The chord positions I play these chords in dont sound as odd.
I guess It is just a key change.
I am just frustrated because I didnt think 2 Maj7 chords would be super hard to fit in a key. It seems like itd be hard to narrow an entire song down to 7 notes, especially if I cant get the first two chords. |
Doz |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma: 10
Well yeah, it might be a key change... but it's not from a specific key to a specific key because there's only one chord in each of the keys. You need more to go off.
It's probably better to decide the key of a song before the chords. |
bodom |
Joined: way back Canada  Lessons: 4 Karma: 5
Hey man well you only have 2 chords. The Cmaj7 can be in the Keys C or G and the Dmaj7 chord can be in the Keys D or A. |
bodom |
Joined: way back Canada  Lessons: 4 Karma: 5
If you want a refresher of the Keys and how to fiqure out what notes are in what Key then chek out my lesson called KEYS. |
Jeremy_Langford |
United States  Posts: 26
So i guess you just have to keep narrowing your chords and scales into into keys until they fit into one.
Right now, I have 8 notes, so I am playing in at least 2 keys. |
bodom |
Joined: way back Canada  Lessons: 4 Karma: 5
Well no one said that you always have to stay in one Key. Look at jazz, I have seen songs where it changes Keys four times in the first four bars. So it really dosent matter if you stay in one Key or not, as long as it sounds good to you. |
mightydave |
Joined: way back Belgium Karma: 2
like said before , a major 7th chord is always the I chord so you're dealing here with A change from C major to D major , so two scales |
bodom |
Joined: way back Canada  Lessons: 4 Karma: 5
A major 7th chord can also be the 4th chord. |
mightydave |
Joined: way back Belgium Karma: 2
you're right , I forgot:D |
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