Zula110100100 |
Joined: 06 Sep 2009 United States  Licks: 2 Karma
I have an Ibanez gio and it seems the whammy bar won't upbend. It goes low just fine, but won't go up at all any reason why? |
guitarmastergod |
Joined: 09 Sep 2008 Canada Karma: 8
because its not a floating bridge, that kind of trem only goes down |
macandkanga |
Joined: 03 Oct 2008 United States Karma: 21
Doesnt the gio have a floating tremolo? If it does and there are springs in the back all you have to do is loosen the springs enough so the back of the bridge is raised slightly. Then you can pull up on the tremolo and raise the pitch. You may have to do some adjusments to the bridge to lower your action and also some intonation adjustments. Only do this if you know how! |
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