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Chords and Intervals & Compound Intervals

by JazzMaverick

2 Sep 2008
Views: 17722

Chords and Intervals

This is basically for those who don't really know much about chords and it's intervals. And mainly has more Jazzy chords, but this is still helpful for those who aren't interested in Jazz.


Small Glossary
♭ = flat
semitone = 1 note above the previous. e.g. C to C#
Augmented = A sharpened or raised note.
Diminished = A flattened or lowered note.


Each chord has a series of intervallic relationships to the root of the chord. Providing an accurate and understandable basis for working out these chords in each key.

These are the terms used to describe intervals:

R --> This is the root of the chord
♭2 --> Minor Second --> This is a semitone above the root.
2 --> Major Second --> 2 Semitones above the root.
♭3 --> Minor Third --> 3 Semitones above.
3 --> Major Third --> 4 Semitones.
4 --> Perfect Fourth --> 5 Semitones.
#4 --> Augmented Fourth -> 6 Semitones.
♭5 --> Diminished Fifth -> 6 Semitones.
5 --> Perfect Fifth --> 7 Semitones.
#5 --> Augmented Fifth --> 8 Semitones.
♭6 --> Minor Sixth --> 8 Semitones.
6 --> Major Sixth --> 9 Semitones.
♭7 --> Minor Seventh --> 10 Semitones.
7 --> Major Seventh --> 11 Semitones.

All root chords are described starting with the lowest note and ascending in pitch. For instance, a chord described as "r, 3, 5" contains the root, a major third above the root and a perfect fifth above the root. If this chord were built on Bb (with Bb as the root) it would contain the notes Bb (root) D (major third) F (a perfect fifth).

Compound Intervals

Compound intervals are intervals which are greater than the octave. Some people have also described it as an octave plus a simple interval.

NOTE: This isn't the complete list of compound intervals, but only those that are commonly used in Jazz chords.

b9 --> Compound minor 2nd (minor 9th) --> 1 Semitone + an octave= 13 Semitones above root.
9 --> Compound major 2nd (9th) --> 2 Semitones + octave = 14 semitones.
#9/b10 --> Compound augmented 2nd/minor 3rd (aug 9th/ minor 10th) --> 3 Semitones + octave = 15 Semitones.
10 --> Compound major 3rd (10th) --> 4 semitones + octave = 16 Semitones above.
11 --> Compound Perfect 4th (11th) --> 5 Semitones + octave = 17 Semitones above.
#11 --> Compound augmented 4th (aug 11th)-> 6 Semitones + octave = 18 Semitones above.
b13 --> Compound minor 6th (minor 13th) --> 8 Semitones + octave = 20 Semitones above.
13 --> Compound major 6th (13th) --> 9 Semitones + octave = 21 Semitones above.

Read my other lesson Chords and Intervals for the small glossary and standard chords.


Also, check out my music listed on Sound Cloud (link below) if you like it follow me on facebook! :)

JazzMaverick on Sound Cloud
JazzMaverick Music




This accually helped, even though Im not a beginner
Nice job dude




Been meaning to write this up. Thanks for sharing.
I linked this page as a reference from my interval lesson.


Anytime, and thank you for sharing.

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