Profile: vincejonesiii |
| Name: vince Surname: jones III Gender: Male Age: 17 Country: United States City: Jersey Shore Experience (years): 3 Profile views: 6547 Posts: 447 Instruments Played:FirstAct Overload BB983 (now exinct )Yamaha EG112C Squier P-Bass fender acoustic --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMPS OWNED LINE 6 spider III 75 watt a shoddy first act bass amp... its ok Favorite Bands and Styles of Music:i ll listen to what everDream theater Symphony x meatloaf(rock opera) my heart to fear(christian metal band) angels in airwaves(techno rock) skillet(christian metal) innerpartysystem(techno rock) muse(soft rock) aquabats(ska rock) symphony x(epic metal) beethoven(classical) bach(Classical) DETHKLOK (melodic death metal) jimi hendrix(psycodelic rock) nobuo uematsu (classical soundtrack) racer x(shred rock) and any music that ppl suggest to me on this site also my fav song is Advent Children: One winged angel Biography:im 17 i live in pensylvania and all i do is play guitar so yeah thats my life story.......lame huhim startin to write my own music more than any thing |