unclewarwar |
Posts: 5
What is the "G" run when do I use it and what notes are in it? |
Afro_Raven |
Joined: way back United Kingdom  Lessons: 1 Karma: 20 Moderator
Generally speaking it means play something in G major, i.e. solo using the notes from the Gmajor scale. |
paerdeveygh |
Joined: way back Finland  Lessons: 1 Karma
When you were referring to the "G run" or "Lester Flatt-run" always used in country - and bluegrass music, it goes like this:
-------------------------------P--------0-------------- H=hammer on
-------------H--------0------2--0---------------------- P=pull off
avisprobob |
United States  Posts: 4
What is the value in practicing scales and chord progressions? Should I work on one more often then the other? |
Lateralus3eye |
United States  Posts: 8
Learning scales improves your soloing; Chord progressions improve your rythmn and song-writing. I feel that learning chords is a little more important because it helps stretch your hands out and allows your brain to adjust to unusual finger positions. |
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