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Scales to Chords Guitar Tool

Music Theory
22 Jan 2008 21:51 | Quote
Joined: 13 Jan 2008
United States
Lessons: 8
Karma: 13
I'm not really sure how to ask this, but here goes.

I think that the scales to chord guitar tool is one of the best things i have come across. I've in to situations where i had an ideas a key and I'm searching for a A chord but i can't find a the right chord. this would have been great.

Does anyone know any if there is a printable version of this? or any books i could buy to have the same basic tools?

23 Jan 2008 15:25 | Quote
Joined: 20 Dec 2007
Karma: 2
Why can't you just go on this and look at it and stuff ?
I mean like wouldn't it be just as easy, plus you can save money.

Unless you wanna take like looseleaf paper and write down the stuff on it, or you can make those dashes and do it like tab ?

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