137bing137 |
United Kingdom  Posts: 99
everyone u gotta cheak out this band called JADIS they are so good www.jadis-net.co.uk
coment back and tell me what u think???
simon73 |
Joined: way back Lessons: 8 Karma: 1
They remind me of a up to date Rainbow or deep purple now I know I herd that sound before its the same as a UK group (i think) called Magnum or even Thunder. Did think at first is more like 1980's soft rock group with love songs and soft and nice things with pretty flowers that is a shame but whatever you might like that kinda of stuff I do sometimes.
Trying to find some magnum to show you how they match up
137bing137 |
United Kingdom  Posts: 99
kl so do you like em????
they are from the south of england and they rock realy badly!!!
and you could cheak out there myspace thats pritty cool!!
cheers l8aazzzzz |
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