ibanez_zz00 |
United States  Posts: 16
Just lookin for a good loop pedal to buy, somethats not goin to put a hole in my pocket but is good...if you could tell me some sites to look at it would very much appreciated.
Afro_Raven |
Joined: way back United Kingdom  Lessons: 1 Karma: 20 Moderator
I have a looping pedal that I absolutely LOVE. It is called the 'Akai Headrush Tape Delay Simulator and Looping Recorder' (or something like that) I bought it here in the UK for £99.99 (just under $200). It basically has three modes: the looper, the tape delay simulator (for Robert Fripp hippy trippy type delay) and a normal delay and I have to say that all three modes sound great. The looper can record up to about 12 seconds in normal mode and about 15 secs in extension mode (which basically reduces the quality of the loop so it can fit more in but you really cannot hear the difference). I know that Boss make a couple of looping pedals too for a much higher price and loads of extra little bits and pieces but I cannot recommend the Akai pedal enough. If you need any more persuading its had loads of good reviews at www.harmonycentral.com. However, you need to know that Akai made two versions of the looper and the first version was appalling but the newer is nothing like the original. The newer one is a sort of blue/purple colour. Hope this helps!
The Rave-On |
blackwolfrising |
United States  Posts: 34
I bought the jamman from digitech and it works very well. The GNX4 also has a looper in it. |
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