chaseshaw275 |
United States  Posts: 1
Hey i've been playing guitar for some time, but I have no idea how to learn how to make a solo off of a song. Anyone got any advice to where I could go or look to learn how to solo. |
paerdeveygh |
Joined: way back Finland  Lessons: 1 Karma
Try , some good lessons there in various styles
CostacheCaragi |
United Kingdom  Posts: 61
hey, try learning the minor pentatonic scale for starters, and listen to how its used in blues/rock/metal, also try learning solo's from songs and music that you dig, |
simon73 |
Joined: way back Lessons: 8 Karma: 1
Best advice that you can do is to listen to other guitar players for example I like Dave Murray and listen to how he phases and I like BB King and listen to him. minor pentatonic scale is a good starting point learn this across the fret board of your guitar on single strings this will stop you for sitting in the box what I call it. Never neglect other scales but the minor pentatonic is a good start. Remember that phasing is the base of any solo other wise you will find you stuck and playing scales and not making music.
Next is a little tip that I taught myself was to sing (not a great voice) and then copy what you sing on the guitar remember that you must say to yourself that a note is wrong or it will sound cr*p. Another little tip I found helpful although since you are learning to solo may find this helpful later on. Is to find your favourite artist in a music book look at the solo part and play some then change it around and later on you soon work out what scale he or she is using.
Sorry about my English but anything you don't understand I will try and explain better for you
Hope some this has been of help |
Jack_ONeill |
United States  Posts: 15
Pick some song with solos that sound easy enough and learn them. Especially songs with chord progressions that just repeat every 3 or 4 chords. Then break the solo apart into small phrases and re-arrange them.
Work with it until it sounds good, and then try to use the small parts (licks) from one song in another that sounds similar. Eventually you build an arsenal, and know when to use it. |
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