Tamriel |
Estonia  Posts: 17
What do people think about alternate tuning? |
paerdeveygh |
Joined: way back Finland  Lessons: 1 Karma
It can give some really nice effects, but it's also like playing a whole different instrument (different chords etc.) |
Afro_Raven |
Joined: way back United Kingdom  Lessons: 1 Karma: 20 Moderator
Yeah, definitely worth trying every once in a while, but I know it can be quite tedious and annoying trying to find chords/solos without any dissonant notes. Jimmy Page seemed to cope pretty well with some wacky tunings. |
Malcolm |
United States  Posts: 3
Drop D for power chords makes since, if you use powerchords, I don't. Open G is about the only other tunings I go with and this only when I want to mess around with a glass slide. Like has been said it's a lot of trouble unless you really have a reason. |
CostacheCaragi |
United Kingdom  Posts: 61
you can get some different natural harmonics, that would otherwise be very hard/impossible to get in standard. might be a cool idea to use for backing or rythm guitars? |
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