YoungRyan |
Posts: 1
hey im new at this forum
but im wondering how i would be able to play with feel and not just play for the sake of playing... is there any techniques out there? |
Chimzar |
United States  Posts: 91
Just know your notes and where you are. Most of playing with feeling is just how you express yourself with a guitar. You need to know your instrument to be truly great at it. |
Clavinethead |
Posts: 14
It would help to memorize youre natural notes and were the sharp and flat notes are in between them, and then you can visualize the fret board like piano keys (if that helps for you) then you can go all out depending wether your happy or sad. My recomendation play in minor keys if you want your song to sound sad and major keys if you want it to sound happy. |
Afro_Raven |
Joined: way back United Kingdom  Lessons: 1 Karma: 20 Moderator
Something that always worked with me is to first get a decent backing track from a guitar mag. Listen to it a couple of times (most of them are on loops anyway). Then just play along with it, find the root note so at least you have a starting point, but then just play what feels 'natural'. You will probably hit many wrong notes at first, but after a while you will find that your brain stops having to think and your fingers decide what they want to do. Just try not to focus too much on what you're going to play next and let it happen. Thats why Steve Vai has such a distinct sound, because he doesn't think what 'should' I play, he thinks what 'could' I play? and this is a really fundamental part of getting in touch with composing. Chimzar and Clavinethead also make very valid points too. Hope this isn't too confusing!! |
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