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Profile: Malikhi

Joined: 19 Feb 2010
United States
Name: Cory
Surname: Hensarling
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Country: United States
City: Dumfries
Experience (years): .5
Profile views: 4051
Posts: 0

Instruments Played:

Have played Trumpet in the school band, got me interested in music, and I learned to read standard sheet music. However, as many can relate, the trumpet just wasn't for me, so I pawned both the ones I had and paid an extra $50 to get a Peavy Raptor Plus. Not much, not the best, but if you know my history, it's a personal triumph, and an ax to be proud of.

Favorite Bands and Styles of Music:

I'm a listener of a wide variety of guitar based music. I'm a country boy, so country is an obvious like. Also, Santana, Korn, Ozzie, Hendrix, and Van Halen are influences. I like the overall sound of bluegrass and the good ole blues. I think I'm going for a hybrid of the worlds, but will ultimately learn to play all four styles and decide from there.


Well, I haven't always been interested in learning the guitar. Been playing what I could with jsut power chords for years, but was too depressed to learn to really play. The guitar helped me through many crisis' when I thought I would end it all. After finally admiting I had depression and seeking help, I'm now on meds for it and am able to commit to a lesson plan. This site is a godsend as I can't afford traditional lessons, so I have to teach myself. When I am done learning the basics, I plan to write a lesson soley one which lessons on this site are best to start with, and hope that helps the confusion a bit.

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