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Profile: AcGrimm

Joined: 06 Jan 2009
South Africa
Name: Ac aka. Johann
Surname: Coetzaa
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Country: South Africa
City: Pretoria
Experience (years): 1
Profile views: 4578
Posts: 18

Instruments Played:

Voice - ever since the first time my mom taught ne to sing my first song... then singing along to little mermaid loin king and Aladdin haha. Since then I've been improving my skills with the aim of becoming an excellent front man.

Piano 5 years in middle school.

Guitar more off then on since high school.

Favorite Bands and Styles of Music:

Mostly metal, old and new school, rock and blues.

Though i do listen to everything except techno/dance and modern pop (long live The Beatles may they're music never die).

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