Ok so if we gonna share guitars and now amps lets share effects!! |
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137bing137 |
United Kingdom  Posts: 99
soo what effects do people use???
i use a boss gt-5 effect prossecer very very nice!! |
zmazz |
United States  Posts: 94
is gt-5 a multi-FX pedal? im thinkin of getting one but i not quite sure what to get.. i've heard that boss is pretty good. but as of the moment, i only have 2 pedals the boss RC-2 and the Boss DS-1. Hopefully i can get a decent univibe by next month.. =) |
137bing137 |
United Kingdom  Posts: 99
well im not the best person to ask but i think there prity good you can store loads of your own tones!! and loads of preset ones!! it rocks!!! |
philmarq |
United States  Posts: 22
my amps got 300 presets and all the effects i need but I need a pedal to switch between channels quickly :/ lol |
blackwolfrising |
United States  Posts: 34
I like the Boss GT-6 and 8. They have very good sounds and tone. I also use Bosses GS 10 for computer software and just for pactice. I still have my old GNX3 and I got the GNX4 for my brithday last year but just use that for jamming or going to friends house for fun. I bought the korg PX4D for travel also. It is very good sounding and has a built in drums for pactice. |
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