llynix |
United States  Posts: 22
My site http://onedittyaday.com would not be possible without this one. Just wanted to thank the creators.
Been looking through the forums and see a lot of good stuff. Probably will end up in a few dittties.
Llynix |
mightydave |
Joined: way back Belgium Karma: 2
what's a ditty? |
paerdeveygh |
Joined: way back Finland  Lessons: 1 Karma
I checked out the website, very nice, even listened to House of amazing grace. Well, you didn't butcher it that bad :)
More ditties please! |
llynix |
United States  Posts: 22
Ditty : an especially simple and unaffected song
(According to the dictionary.)
For me it's a short guitar piece, a few seconds to a couple minutes long. Every day theres a new one along with tab and a cheesy writeup.
Tomorrow is the star spangled banner! |
mightydave |
Joined: way back Belgium Karma: 2
okay now i get it! keep up the good work and good luck with your site it seems nice , how many ditties have you done already? |
llynix |
United States  Posts: 22
Why 42 that you can see. I have six in the bag. I think I'm going to integrate a counter on the side or something. ## days running. |
mightydave |
Joined: way back Belgium Karma: 2
yeah you should do that , how long do you think you can keep this up adding one every day? |
llynix |
United States  Posts: 22
I work ahead, recording 5-10 at a time. Right now.. honestly I'm out of ditties to record. But I have TONS of material to work with. So for the next few days I'm going to just sit back relax and actually play my guitar :)
No worries though, I've got about 10 queued up. So I can afford to take a break.
I'm doing all this with only two minutes of record time on my camera, I've been shopping for a new memory card which would give me hours instead of minutes. When that happens I can sit back and hopefully record twenty or so ditties a full day. Then spend the next week writing, tabing and polishing. Then I could sit back and relax the other three weeks :) I have some other ideas for websites that I'd like to do, but right now no time because of this.
The # of ditties thing shouldn't be too hard. I just fixed the random ditties link and the code is almost the same. Look for it in the next day or so. |
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