paerdeveygh | 27 Oct 2006 03:49 | Quote> |
I just thought I'd give a beginners lesson in movable chords, here underneath I made a picture representing the neck of the guitar, with all the possible ways you can play an F-major chord, you can also think of it as being an F major scale, but only with the 1,3,5 notes, that directly build up the F-major chord, Now when you start with the "normal" F-major, note that the chordshape next to it is a D-shape, In other words, when you move up the D-major chord three frets, it's also an F-major, (C-shape five frets and so on). Try to recognise these seven basic chord-shapes, wich always are next to each-other, in every key and mode, even when you use a minor scale (only the name of the root-note changes) This "grid can be moved up and down the neck, to get other chords, but the whole pattern doesn't change. This is in fact also the "CAGED"-system, but with an additional F - and B shape, So in fact it should be the CBAGFED- system :) Let me know if this has been helpfull to you, Keep on picking!