ive been playing for 2 years. what advanced scales should i learn firs |
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jabedoo |
Joined: way back United States Karma
which advanced scales should i go after? |
gunsnroses2503 |
Posts: 4
What Scales do you no already? |
jabedoo |
Joined: way back United States Karma
pentatonic scales, (like minor major etc.)
lydian scales, ( minor, major, diminished)
i know all of the sharps and flats in major scales, and i know most common chords |
Xenon623 |
Joined: way back United Kingdom Karma
Learn some indian and spanish scales. They are not that hard, but they sound pretty cool. |
Moonlit |
United States  Posts: 85
Lydian scales.. |
Moonlit |
United States  Posts: 85
My post didnt go through for some reason..
Learn the Major scale and it's Modes first. |
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